DOSYA: XI. Ulusal Mimarlık Sergisi ve Ödülleri, 2008




English Summary by Zeynep Öktem

“Riga, Hidden Capital” Photography Exhibition
Photographer Gül Ezen’s exhibition called “Riga, Hidden Capital”, where forty photographs depicting natural and architectural beauties of Latvia’s capital Riga has opened in Ankara. Besides Riga’s landscape photographs, the exhibition also covers an array of details from the capital. Being a photographer since 1989, Gül Ezen defines her work with the following words: “For me, taking a photograph in a place is an effort to understand what has happened in that place and at the same time to explore the society and its culture. Riga has an impressive character due to its architectural qualities. Its distance from the world’s glance comes from its history. It has been obligated to wait for years until it has been discovered and brought to life like the princess in ‘Sleeping Beauty’. The name of my exhibition, ‘Hidden Capital’ originated from this fact. I hope that the photographs in the exhibition would reflect the romantic atmosphere and the stunning beauty of the city which impressed me deeply.”
100th Anniversary of the Organization of the Chamber of Architects,
100 Years with Sedad Hakkı Eldem and Emin Onat
100th anniversary of the organization of the Turkish architects will be celebrated through various events. A hundred years ago Mimar Kemalettin Bey’s call for a union in the newspaper Tanin brought together architects and engineers and the decision was made to form “Osmanlı Mühendis ve Mimar Cemiyeti” in August 28th, 1908. Emin Onat and Sedad Hakkı Eldem are two great architects who have set the theoretical basis for the architecture in the Republican Period of Turkey and who also, with their academic identities and the buildings they have designed, become a significant figure for the ones who followed their lead. Their births coincide with the time when architects began to get organized. Owing to these circumstances, İstanbul Metropolitan Branch of the Chamber of Architects developed a program which unites all these events together. The program includes a symposium and an exhibition called “Two Architects in Their 100th Year” and publication of an “architectural guide” for the existing buildings of Eldem and Onat. Sedad Hakkı Eldem is also covered in Osmanlı Bankası Museum through two books and exhibitions for the 20th anniversary of his death. The first exhibition called “Sedad Hakkı Eldem I: Juvenile Years” focuses on the architect’s first 24 years and will be open between April 30th – August 30th 2008. The second exhibition which will be opened in October is called “Sedad Hakkı Eldem II: Maturity Years”. The exhibition focuses on Eldem’s maturity years where he became a figure who influences Turkey’s agenda and his works at this period.
Re-meeting with UNESCO in the World Heritage İstanbul / Deniz Incedayı
UNESCO World Heritage Committee members were in İstanbul between 8th and 13th May, 2008 for a research on the city. The investigations aimed to track the developments concerning critical points and notifications made in the report called İstanbul World Heritage Conservation Site prepared by a commission constituted by the members of UNESCO and ICOMOS in 2006. The purpose of the meeting was also to observe transformations in the areas registered in the World Heritage List.  Besides the affirmative works conducted in the two years of monitoring period, the committee criticized the deficiency of civil society and culture, which on the contrary should be an important part of the process. Therefore Turkey was criticized in its inability to implement social participation and democratic vision into its administrative actions. The committee emphasized the necessity to develop and support a conservation culture on a wider perspective rather than forming a conception, which focuses only on the buildings themselves for the future of the World City İstanbul.  
11th Cycle of National Architecture Exhibition and Awards, 2008
National Architecture Exhibition and Awards is an event organized by the Chamber of Architects, Turkey in every two years. The 11th cycle had been accomplished with the studies of the Evaluation Committee including Attilla Yücel as chairman, Abdi Güzer, Tülin Hadi, Cengiz Kabaoğlu and Uğur Tarhan. The file covers the collective report of the Evaluation Committee and the personal opinions of the Chairman Atilla Yücel. The file also includes the Chamber of Architects’ commentary on the controversial subjects related with the exhibition and award program, the works that have been excluded from the evaluation process for not fulfilling the terms of participation of the awards program. The projects of “Grand Award (Sinan Award)”, “Achievement Award in Contribution to Architecture” and “Commemoration Program” and the projects and buildings awarded in Building, Design and Ideas Presentation Categories are covered in the file thoroughly.
Forming the Ideal City in the Capitalist World: Architecture in New Moscow / Irina Korobina
The first event of the “Turkish Year” series organized under the Ministry of Culture and Tourism program is realized this year in the Russian Federation. An exhibition comprising approximately two hundred buildings representing Turkish architecture is organized by the efforts of the Şevki Vanlı Architecture Foundation. The event will also host a discussion panel called “The Effects of Ideology on Architecture in Turkey and in Russia” in the opening day of the exhibition. Irina Korobina, director of the Center of Contemporary Architecture, Moscow, is going to discuss the architecture in Moscow after USSR. Korobina defines Moscow as an eclectic, grand scale region, which has been produced in different times and formed in the light of different ideologies. According to her, Moscow is a place where various experiments on creating an ideal city were experienced. The current moment is interesting for the extremely high potential produced by a mix of economic factors, investment opportunities, architects’ creative ambitions, the ambitions of the authorities, international dialogue, advances in construction technology, and finally, public demand for a “new capital city for a new country”.
Adana Ziyapaşa Neighbourhood, Mimar Sinan Park Urban Design Competition
Adana Metropolitan Municipality and Chamber of Architects Adana Branch has organized a competition aiming the reformulation of the recreation area situated along the Seyhan River and in the neighborhood of the city center. The park will include large open and green areas suitable for tourism, shopping, and especially for cultural activities. The jury awarded 3 projects, along with 5 honourable mentions and 5 purchase awards.
Modernization and Public Space Models of the Republic / Özlem Arıtan
The modernization project of the early Republican period conducted by the government, had found its reflection in the public spaces of almost every city in Turkey. Author evaluates the public space models which are developed especially between 1923 and 1950, in terms of rational / secular / collective / government centered modernization visions and in urban / rural and architectural scales. While evaluating the urban / rural models under the topics such as; “Modernist Urban Planning and New Systems”,  “Public Sphere Organized by Transportation and Railways, Station Streets and Buildings”, “New Areas of Secular Public Sphere; Parks” and “Rural Planning and Ideal Republican Village”, architectural models were analyzed under the topics of; “A New Cultural Space Model: Community Centers”, “Collective Education Model and Village Institutes”, “Industry Centered Public Sphere and KIT Campuses” and “Agriculture / Animal Husbandry Centered Public Sphere and Government Farms”.
The Dialogue Between Hesitation and Difference, Recurrence and Repetition or One Edited Collection is Better Than a Thousand Advice / Halil İbrahim Düzenli
Akın Nalça Books with a policy to publish one book per year, has published its fifth book. The last book, distinguished by its design and context is an outcome of a collective work, where Bülent Erkmen is the graphic designer and Bülent Tanju together with the assistance of Tayfun Gürkan is the editor, is called Tereddüd ve Tekerrür (Hesitation and Recurrence). The author’s approach on the book develops around “form” and “context”, where he says: “The book doesn’t use the common language that covers architectural images and products visible to the society. It talks about the discourse by using the language of the invisible hidden in between the lines of the text. This is something uncommon in Turkey. Hesitation is not something that belongs to the author anymore, as the reader is also in the position of hesitation in going through the space between the lines of the text in order to discover his/her own meanings and create his/her own differences.”
Monastery, Waterside House and Villa / Gürhan Tümer
There is an island in Atlantic Ocean belonging to France.  […] with a monastery. The buildings, which compose the monastery, are so integrated with the island and with the cliff that one thinks they are created together. It is as if the rocks, which arise to the sky form into the monastery buildings and in turn the monastery buildings form into rocks as they get lower to the ground. It is like they are part of a single entity. […] However in the example of Villa Savoie, the situation is so different. This famous building of Le Corbusier is situated in Poissy does not belong there. In fact Villa Savoie does not seem to belong to the world, it seems like a stranger […] It seems as if it will soon fly away to some other place, some other planet and settle there for a while, till it will set off for another unknown place.

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