MİMAR PROFİLİ: Şevki Vanlı’nın Farklı Kimlikleri: Avangart? Girişimci? Eleştirmen?

Zavallı Mimar / Gürhan Tümer




Turkish Architecture Exhibited in Moscow

The first step in the events series organized by the Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Culture and Tourism in accordance with “The Year of Turkish Culture” is being held by the Russian Federation. The architectural events were organized by the support of Şevki Vanlı Architecture Foundation. Parallel to the opening of the exhibition, “20th Century Turkish Architecture”, in Moscow, a discussion panel was organized on “The Affects of Ideology on Architecture in Russia and Turkey”. The discussion panel focused on the affects of contemporary global trends on architecture, reclaiming that Russian and Turkish architects should collaborate in their efforts to preserve the genuine values and the characteristics of their architecture.



Different Profiles of Şevki Vanlı: Avant-garde? Entrepreneur? Critic? / Gökçeçiçek Savaşır, İlhan Tekeli, Abdi Güzer, Can Dündar

This file covers articles written from an objective perspective of each author, on the significance of Şevki Vanlı and his architecture in terms of architectural culture. One of the most exceptional articles belongs to Can Dündar, who structures his article through his observations on the presentation of Vanlı in a discussion panel, where the author had the first and last change to meet the architect. The second author, Gökçeçiçek Savaşır, had the change to get to know Şevki Vanlı more closely as he was an ineluctable figure for her PhD studies on “Avant-garde Architecture in Turkey”. Savaşır conveys the reasons why among the people she interviewed during her studies, Vanlı was the one, who impressed her the most. One of Vanlı’s closest friends İlhan Tekeli points to the “romantic entrepreneur” character of the architect. We are all familiar with the collaborative studies and research of the author and the architect on issues related with architecture and urban topics, which have always been in the centre of their lives. Abdi Güzer was one of the colleagues of Vanlı, actively involved in the projects of the Şevki Vanlı Architecture Foundation, together with the architect. In the article of Güzer, you can find a review on Vanlı’s architecture as an architectural critic.


FILE: Changing Face of Anatolian Cities

Edited by: Hüseyin Kahvecioğlu

Statistical information on population, economy and communication networks, point to a common fact: Growth. What the statistical facts display can be evaluated from various perspectives. Instead of dealing with the notion of growth in general, the file focuses on a particular aspect of the topic. Especially in the last fifteen and twenty years the transformations and changes in the structure of the country can be seen not only through observing the three metropolitan cities of Turkey but also through the other cities of Turkey. Peripheral cities no more rely on the sources and possibilities that are provided by major cities, but on the contrary, they started to achieve a certain degree of self-transformation in the light of the sources they themselves create. Unlike to older times, the opportunities and potentials of today provide a wide range of alternatives for the future of these cities. These conditions also cause a progress, where the resources for investment develop more rapidly than the visions and plans to direct and lead the future. Moving away from the limited opportunities of the past to the unlimited potentials created by different sectors and parties in the fields of industry, tourism, export and real estate, there is observed a change in the service of local governments from a position where they hardly answer the daily needs of the society towards leading and directing a claim to be a ‘world city’. Cities like Antalya, Balıkesir, Bursa, Kayseri, Eskişehir, Gaziantep, Kahramanmaraş, Denizli, Konya, are but only a few to be mentioned here, experience a fast transformation progress in the light of many grand investment projects that are in constant realization. Meanwhile the habitants of these cities are drawn in their contradictory emotions, where on the one hand they feel that they have overcome their dull destiny and therefore caught the change to get advanced and developed, yet on the other hand, they feel conquered by the power of globalism. It is a fact that all these projects being realized together with their positive and negative consequences are significant for the present and future of the cities. All the articles in the file try to discuss and excavate the potentials and problems that underlie these prevailing progresses common to most Anatolian cities while interpreting the projects that are being realized.
Fethiye Municipality Shopping and Leisure Centre Architectural Competition
Organised by the Municipality of Fethiye, the competition aimed to achieve a project for a shopping and leisure centre in Fethiye. The results of the competition were announced on June 24th, 2008 and the jury decided to give 3 awards, 5 mansions and 5 purchase awards after analyzing 109 projects submitted to the competition.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Congress Centre National Architecture Competition
The national competition of architecture opened by Ministry of Public Works and Settlement aimed to attain a project of a congress centre for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The finalists of the competition were announced on July 10th, 2008. The jury evaluated the projects in the light of certain aspects, such as the architectural interpretation of the institutional identity, maturity of the architectural language, principles of settlement, volumetric composition, interior and exterior space organizations, distribution of functions and the proposed structural systems and technologies. Among the 55 projects submitted to the competition, the jury selected 3 awards and 5 mansion awards.
Modern City Planning and Some Issues of Attitude Toward Cultural Heritage/ M. R. Madaminov
It is a fact that the architecture of Uzbek cities shows great similarities with the architecture of the Seljuk’s in the Anatolian cities in the way architectural tectonics, spatial language and motives used. This year the Uzbek cities celebrate their thousand years with a festival. The city of Bukhara is 2500 and the city of Samarkand is 2750 years old! Uzbekistan is one of the leading countries, which try to rejuvenate the authentic architectural language of Republic after the Soviet period. In accordance the preservation of the historical and architectural heritage of the country prevail the events organised in the light of the thousand years celebrations.
Awards in the Building Category Shortlisted in the 2008/11th Cycle of National Architectural Awards
The projects shorthlisted, in April 2008, in the “Building Category” of the 11th cycle of National Architectural Awards includes: İpekyol Textile Factory / by Emre Arolat, Teni Houses / by Hamdi Erdoğan, Ö House / by Kerem Erginoğlu, Hasan Çalışlar, Olive Park Houses - Ece House / by Metin Kılıç, TESKOMB Service Building / by Mehmet Soylu, Mete Öz, Renovation of Eskim Boya Management Buildin / by Cem Üçer, Tunga Çağlayan, METU Northern Cyprus Campus Dormitories / by Semra Teber Yener. In this section all these shortlisted projects are presented with their photos, drawings and renderings, accompanied by their nametags and brief architectural reports.
Collaboration of Art and Architecture in a Period Between 1950-1970 / Didem Yavuz
The architectural environment of the 1950s in Turkey can be regarded as a period where the architecture celebrates the victory of international style. On the other hand the façade organization in most of the buildings display Anatolian influences through the use of handcrafts, carpet motives and folk figures. It is not surprising to discover that most of these artworks were conducted by the artists of the time, who have attended the country trips, organized by ‘People’s Party’ (Halk Partisi) as a national political manoeuvre in 1940s, and who were in the search of ‘authenticity’. Therefore the architectural products of the time demonstrate the try in achieving a balance between local and global values, where the authenticity of the building was asserted by the touch of the artist. These are the years in which the architects and artists facing the issues of ‘representation’ and ‘identity’ meet and collaborate.
A Decision Taken as the Preservation of the Standing Parliamentarian Houses
The houses designed and built for the parliamentarians in Çankaya, in 1984 by the architect Behruz Çinici are demolished and TOKİ housing units are built on that area. The building of the TOKİ houses is still an ongoing project. The court order declared that standing 3 houses among 400 houses have to be protected as a memorial, nowadays these 3 houses are on the way of demolishing. The report presented to the court demonstrates why preserving these buildings were important for claiming our historical and cultural heritage, for which the examples of the late republican architecture constitute a significant part.
Poor Architect / Gürhan Tümer
“[…] An architect cannot be a linguist at the level of what Aristarchus is, and there is no reason why he should be. However he shouldn’t be illiterate. He cannot be a musician like Aristoxenus, but also shouldn’t be indifferent to the music. He cannot be an artist like Apelles, or a sculptor like Myron and Polyclitus, or a doctor as Hippocrates, but an architect should understand from painting, drawing and plastic arts as much as from medicine and physic.”

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