Mimarlık 378. July-August 2014
Looking at Labour Crimes in Turkey in the Light of Soma / Aziz Çelik
The author evaluates on the underground coal mine “accident”, which took place in Soma on May 13th, 2014, causing the loss of 301mine workers’ lives. He states that labour crimes are closely related to the lack of proper labour union and unorganised, precarious, flexible working regime and it is not a coincidence that the workers obliged to work with the subcontractors are more likely to be subjected to labour crime. In his view, especially the increase in the extensive use of subcontractors in the mining and construction industries, open invitation to these crimes and the growth of the building industry affects the increase of labour crimes in general.
Spaces of Memory / Pelin Derviş
Turkish Pavilion, which appeared for the first time in Venice Biennale 14th International Architecture Exhibition this year, was curated by Murat Tabanlıoğlu. The article written by the project coordinator Pelin Derviş highlights the relation of the Turkish exhibition to the general theme of the biennale and the thematic descriptions of the exhibited work. The article featuring the photos from the exhibition, allows an inner look to the project and the works within.
From Gelibolu (Gallipoli) National Park, Tending towards Speculation and Unearned Rent Income / İsmail Erten
Gelibolu (
Gallipoli) National Park, with the planned changes in the law, is about to be removed from National Park status in order to be reclaimed under the charge of the newly established Presidency of Çanakkale War, Gelibolu Historical Area, which is equipped with unlimited powers. The author, states that with this new regulation the future of many protected areas “in need of protection” within the region will become uncertain, where he also underlines the historical process in the area and possible consequences of this legal intervention.
Jurisdiction Did the Right Thing in Protecting Architects’ Rights with the Decision of Architect Aytaç Manço but What about the Delayed Justice? / Gürsel Öngören
Unauthorized copying or modification of a project and even the demolition of a building; each besides being defined as an attack to the authorship rights, in practice in most cases the architects are compelled to concede with its consequences. In the past months Aytaç Manço opened a lawsuit to MESA Company with an accusation of copying his project. This lawsuit should be regarded as a reminder for architects in defending and pursuing their projects’ copyrights. The author considers this long-drawn-out process, finalised with Manço’s winning the case, as the “re-delivery of authorship rights”.
The Problem of Implementation of Administrative Judicial Decisions in Turkey and Planning and Reconstruction Law / Kemal Berkarda
We frequently come to see that many projects regarded as urban crime, which are moved to jurisdiction, were stopped by the administrative courts, in recent years. However, it is not as common to encounter the resolution or the abandonment of these projects. The author writes about the possible ways to fight against these projects, which have already been completed during the process or even continue for construction after the adjudication, and brings clarity to the judicial process through examples.
The Town with a Historic Odour: Taraklı / Pınar Aktaş Yüksel
Located inside the Sakarya Province, and on the old Ankara Road, which connects Ankara to İstanbul, Taraklı, after the opening of the new road, was calmed down and therefore preserved its historical and traditional identity. The town having a thriving green nature is composed of two-and-three-storied 19th century style traditional houses with balconies, gardens and courtyards. Today the restorations of some of these buildings were completed and they are being used for touristic purposed by some landowners. This condition despite being an advantage for Taraklı, due to the rise of interest towards the historical buildings and for Taraklı in recent days, there emerged a need to be more sensitive towards the preservation of the original built environment.
Kayseri Chamber of Commerce Service Building National Architecture Ideas Competition
Kayseri Chamber of Commerce has announced a national architecture ideas competition with an aim to achieve spatial solutions presenting effective working environment for chamber parties and service units, meeting the present and future spatial needs, increasing the quality of the services presented to members and to the city. The competition coordinated by the Chamber of Architects Kayseri Branch, was organised with an aim to contribute to the physical environment of the city in accordance with the contemporary architecture, urban and arts values. Among the 149 projects submitted to the competition 3 equivalent awards, 5 equivalent mention and 5 equivalent purchase awards were distributed.
From “Urban Transformation” to “Attentive Improvement”: In Search of a New Paradigm in Spatial Policies / Yaşar Adnan Adanalı
The author re-addressing his presentation in the Local Governments Urbanisation and Democracy Symposium, organised by the Chamber of Architects before the 30th March Local Elections, discusses the “urban transformation” paradigm as being practiced in Turkey, in comparison to the practice of “attentive improvement”.
Give me a Gun and I’ll Move all Buildings: An ANT’s View of Architecture / Bruno Latour, Albena Yaneva
Making Architectural and Urban “Things” Controversial / Can Gündüz
Can the proposal “Actor-Network-Theory” (ANT), suggested by a team where Bruno Latour is also part in 1980, be used as a tool to pull down the “inert character” of buildings, in order to reveal what is happening underneath? Bruno Latour and Albena Yaneva in their search for the answer to this question talk about the significance of reflecting the life cycle of buildings. Addressing the issue from an urban perspective, Can Gündüz presents controversies in the production of urban space, and emphasises the need to decipher background experiences by giving examples.
Transformation of the Historical Industrial Areas in Italy: Evaluations through Contemporary Projects / Elif Özlem Aydın
Industrial areas, left at the city centre that long lost their function due to the expansion of cities, are subject to urban transformation projects. These buildings, being reused in diverse functions by actors having urban consciousness, come to foreground through the positive value they add to the urban identity. The author, who picks examples from Italy, where the concept of preservation is deep-rooted, questions the methodologies behind the re-functioning of these buildings and emphasises the importance of introducing new parameters.
Are Governing Architectural Educations Possible? Quotations from [101+ | MOBBİG 38 / Güven Arif Sargın
Thoughts on Architectural Education in the Context of Higher Education Strategy in Turkey / İlhan Tekeli
The last meeting of the Chairs of Architecture Schools Contact Group (MOBBİG), organised and realised with the support of the Chamber of Architects, was held in May 2014 in the hosting of METU. Güven Arif Sargın summarises the discussions that took place during the meeting in his comprehensive article. İlhan Tekeli discusses the strategies in the development of higher education and production of scientific knowledge and what kind of considerations can be made towards the problems of architectural education.
TOKİ Effect on the Spatial Formation of Cities in Turkey / Evren Aysev Deneç
Any reading towards understanding the mass housing production mechanism, requires placing TOKİ at its centre. The author presents a critical evaluation on the spatial policies applied through TOKİ projects and on why architectural discipline can never enter this process.
Revolution Façades: 1789 Paris, 1848 Berlin, 2013 İstanbul / Devrim Işıkkaya
Three of the cities, where building “façades” turn into war “façades” and urban spaces host resistance are Paris, Berlin and İstanbul. The author, studying the associations and differences between these movements in cities, taking place almost in consecutive centuries, also relates the issue to carnivals in Middle Ages. Cities during rebellions become more civic and gain their true character with the will of the citizens.
Evaluation of a Department Store Design in 1960s in the Context of Women Lifestyle: KIZILAY GİMA / S. Selhan Yalçın Usal
Gima store, located at the entrance of Emek office-block raised at Kızılay Square, a significant place in the urban memory of Ankara and a witness of a period, besides being an economic sales store for the public, has become an indispensable part of the daily urban life in the city with the social spaces it has created. The author focusing on relations between consumption-modernism over the Gima example also stresses on the lifestyle of women defined with reference to the context.
Pleasing State of Waiting: Bus Stop Library / Aslı Tuncer
There are people who can find various ways to occupy themselves while waiting at the bus stop, and for those who cannot, the solution has already been found: Bus Stop Library. We have started to observe these libraries at various places in the world and they not only aim to increase the interest towards reading and provide the citizens new routines, but also add value to the city life with the social spaces they define. Among the examples we have begun to see at different places in our country, there is a bus stop library realised by Giresun Municipality. The spreading of these bus stop libraries, which establishes a contact with the citizens, bringing out new urban experiences, can influence the emergence of other urban functions.
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