Mimarlık. 413 | May-June 2020



Pandemics, Disasters and the City / Eyüp Muhcu

The writer, noting that the desperation arising from global epidemic indicates a new social order, suggests that it is our obligation “to construct an ‘independent, democratic, egalitarian and fair’ future in order to present all developments in science and technology for the benefit of humanity and for the common future of humanity as much as for living in environments which are resistant and safe to pandemics and disasters”.


Timelessness of Drawings and Words: Cengiz Bektaş / Ruşen Keleş

Cengiz Bektaş, completing his master degree in 1959 after his architecture education in DGSA and the Munich Technical University, worked as a freelance architect in Germany before he came back to Turkey to become a professor in METU. Bektaş who designed many buildings that are regarded as valuable examples of the Republican period, especially campaigned for the recognition of Anatolian culture in the conferences and lectures he gave and the studies he published in Turkey and abroad. Cengiz Bektaş, an architect and poet who received the International Mimar Sinan Award, the Aga Khan Award for Architecture and the Mimar Sinan Grand Award, passed away on 20th March 2020. Ruşen Keleş wrote a text in memoriam.

Snapshots from an Architecture Integrated with Life: Oğuz Öztuzcu / Cafer Bozkurt

Oğuz Öztuzcu, architect and artist who graduated from METU’s Department of Architecture in 1966 and continued his master degree in the University of Liverpool. He started his professional career in Stockholm in 1970, where he worked up until 1986, when he decided to pursue his profession in Turkey as a freelance architect. After founding the Association of Friends of Çatalhöyük, he assumed the duties of the board of directors at the Istanbul Freelance Architects Association. He held many domestic and international exhibitions alongside his interest in photography as well as his profession. He passed away on 18th March 2020. Cafer Bozkurt wrote a text in memoriam.


Construction, Hypocrisy, Compensation and Consolation: Anatomy of an Architectural Drama / Murat Çetin

Residential architecture, which has gained momentum with the trend of urban transformation, is trapped by the material and product-oriented approach that we can define as “new-façadism”, which is driven by profit. The writer, discussing the spreading remorse in response to this attitude in urban space in the context of the relations between contemporary architectural practice and theory, expresses that such an architectural practice has turned towards the concept of ‘compensatory architecture’ under the conditions of ‘construction’ determined by the capitalist market and has ended up legitimizing this “hypocritical” drift by dressing it as ‘consolation architecture’.

Rushed Capital, Unregistered Consumption: The Çeşme Peninsula / İlker Kahraman

Focusing on the process that the peninsula, located on the Çeşme-Urla route, went through after the rushed expropriation decision, the writer discusses the existing and possible problems in the draft project proposed by the ministry by bringing them together - since they exist even if we overlook the rushed expropriation situation on the land.

No Seals nor Refugees Allowed: The Severe Boundaries of Public Beaches / Pınar Karababa

People without documentation, refugees and animals, all of which are in an economic wheel in which they are unaccounted for, appear as groups that are pushed to the periphery when it comes to cohabitation. Focusing on these boundaries that separate and intersect us, the writer discusses the spatial meeting/separation points within the context of the two topics of last summer’s agenda.


Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara, The Winners of the 2020 Pritzker Prize: A Partnership in the Pursuit of Lost Meaning

This year's winners of the Pritzker Awards, which have been held annually since 1979, are the founding partners of Grafton Architects, Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara. The duo, who represent Ireland’s first win in the prizes, stands out for their healing contribution to the local communities with their understanding of the sense of the place and their success in remaining fresh and contemporary all the while making the building belong to the environment in which it is located.


Turning the Crisis into an Opportunity: Screen-to-Home Footprints of Design

Online platforms have become an important part of our lives in these times of pandemic, which has impacted many sectors negatively with a domino effect by taking hold of the entire world. In this text, which was compiled to make the social isolation that we are in as efficient as possible, we bring the existing and alternative digital platforms together.


  • Our Possibility of “Reinventing Revolution” Through Social Reactions from Architecture Against the COVID-19 Global Outbreak / T. Gül Köksal
  • Does Life Fit Home? COVID-19 and Immune System of Architecture / Umut Şumnu
  • On Fear, Time of Death and Architecture / Namık Erkal

With the COVID-19 outbreak we are facing globally, we found ourselves in search of immediate solutions. While trying to produce hasty solutions for now and later, looking back is important in order not to fall into a paradox. It is possible to observe in the past that the architectural solutions produced in response to the epidemic may have consequences: being single-focused, becoming the tool of despotic political regimes, and unwittingly fixing the panic climate in place. So what will our solution be? Is it possible to produce and spread ways for a more universally sensitive and sustainable architecture with a more democratic approach, in these days during which everyone has been evened out by staying at home all at the same time?

The mirror that the virus holds up to us during the pandemic indicates that we should not do some of the things as we used to anymore. Beyond collective and concrete work, the search for alternatives is shaped around two questions: How were we doing before, how should we be doing now? Drawing attention to the pursuit of a new critical plane instead of trying to maintain the existing order online, T. Gül Köksal remarks that “from the individual to the social, from organizations to individuals”, there is a need for “a dynamic remaking of all horizontal-vertical relationships, an effort that should be undertaken by re-questioning the situation every day.”

When the outside was suddenly confined inside the house, we passed a critical point where “the distances” are redefined regardless of the results. Umut Şumnu, who brings together envisagements and thoughts put forward for the post-outbreak, points out the possibilities of an architecture that is “not in war with nature, not in pursuit of interest but in the service of society, caring not only about its own wellbeing but about all other beings, and reproducing not distances but encounters”. Such an architecture can be conceptualized with a transpersonal society-based approach.

The impact of crises on the acceptance and prevalence of some of the major changes postponed in previous situations can be read through the major transformations that have suddenly occurred in history. Focusing on the critical threshold caused by the COVID-19 crisis and the traces of similar pandemic events in the past, Namık Erkal states that it is necessary to turn to “non-formalist new forms of practice with a multidisciplinary and environmentalist understanding” that will represent contradictions and paradoxes instead of solutions.


Olivelo - Ecological Cohabitation Space in the Periphery of Izmir - Idea Project Competition

The architectural project competition, which was organized by the İzmir Metropolitan Municipality in order to obtain idea projects with the potential of creating a model for an ecology-oriented common living space, has concluded. Within the scope of the competition, organized as a freelance, national and one-stage event, 121 projects were evaluated, while 3 awards, 5 honorable mentions were given and 2 acquisitions were made.

The Erenköy Mental and Neurological Diseases Training and Research Hospital - Bizimköy Architectural Project Competition

The architectural project competition, which was organized by the Erenköy Mental and Neurological Diseases Training and Research Hospital with the aim of designing the health campus with a modern and holistic approach all the while maintaining its current function, of increasing the spatial quality having taken into consideration the full potential of the area, has concluded. Within the scope of the competition, organized as an freelance, national and one-stage event, 85 projects were evaluated, while 3 awards and 5 honorable mentions were given and 3 acquisitions were made.

Labor, Peace and Democracy Memorial Square and Commemoration Place International Idea and Design Project Competition

The competition, which was organized by DİSK, KESK, TMMOB, TTB and 10 Ekim-Der to ensure that the Ankara Massacre of October 10 is not forgotten on the social sphere, to honor the memory of those individuals who died and those who survived, and to reproduce memory in space and in everyday life, has concluded. Within the scope of the competition, organized as a freelance, national and one-stage event, 38 projects were evaluated, while 3 awards and 3 honorable mentions were given.


”Because the Wounds of the People are more Fertile"*: A Competition Experience on Remembrance / Remembrance / Bülent Batuman

The competition, which was organized by DİSK, KESK, TMMOB, TTB and 10 Ekim-Der to ensure that the Ankara Massacre of October 10 is not forgotten on the social sphere and to reproduce memory in space and in everyday life, has concluded. The writer, evaluating a competition set within the framework of the concepts of monument, memory, politics and the city, remarks on the important fact that “the project that brings these four elements together is a proposal which will conserve the city and its history, rather than emphasizing itself as a monument-object”.


The Spatial Reflection of Modernization and Industrialization Processes: A Discussion through Automobile Production Campuses / Nasim Han, Özlem Arıtan

The writers, examining the effects of the change in production technologies on the places and the planning of cities, read this change through an examination of the places where automobiles are produced.


Trabzon Hagia Sophia Museum: on the fence / Ahmet Melih Öksüz

In this chapter of Cultural Heritage in Danger, a series which began in our 405th issue, Ahmet Melih Öksüz wrote a piece on the Trabzon Hagia Sophia Museum.


And Google Recognized the Cat! Architecture in the Near Future of Artificial Intelligence (part II) / Nizam Onur Sönmez

With the developing technologies, the expectations, questions and fears aroused by artificial intelligence are, to some extent, unmet by the current level of technology, and heavily influenced by several historical-cultural paths and the field of science fiction. In this second part of the text, the first part of which has been published in the 412th issue, the author depicts “a future where space finds form on its own, grows, shapes and adapts”.


Urban Memory in the Shadow of the Decision to Demolish: The Van Central Bank and its Housing Units / Mustafa Gülen

With the decision taken in 2018, the Van Branch of the Central Bank of Turkey and its Housing Units, located in a region designated as an area of urban transformation and development, emerges as a structure from the Republican period now under threat of destruction. The writer’s aim is to document the structure and to discuss the processes in the context of the modern architectural heritage and draw attention to the importance of the building in the city's memory, which has been preserved to a great extent despite the fact that 42 years have passed since its construction.

The Problem of the Non-conservation of Architectural Heritage:

The Konya Numune Hospital and Comparison between Old and New / Mehmet Şener, Emre Kishali, Faik Afşeören

Since 1924 until today the Numune (Model) Hospitals, a group of public buildings built in different cities, are regarded as cultural heritage for preservation of data regarding all the transformations issued by the state in the field of health after the declaration of Republic and the evolution of hospital architecture. Addressing the process of the hospital complex, which continues to serve with its two buildings dated from 1915 and 1928, and its new building, which was opened to the public in 2018, the writers draw attention to the “long-term dialectical relationship established by the Numune Hospitals with their environments -which are the products of a dynamic construction process organized by the state”.


Close Your Eyes, Can You Hear? / Berkutay Ali Coşkun

The HAS design and research team, hoping to discover new possibilities for the development of time and space under the theme of "Urban Interactions" at the Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism in 2019, has not overlooked the potential of the Dapeng region, which stands out due to the contrasts in its nature, and which has harbored their intriguing installation work.

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