Mimarlık. 417 | January-February 2021
MİMARLIK . 417 | January - February 2021
The Architect Has No Name… / Deniz İncedayı
Focusing on a fundamental discussion regarding the sidelined identity of the architect at the opening of the Presidential Symphony Orchestra Concert Hall, the writer states that “we don’t see the architects, artists or laborers during the opening or promotion of many original architectural works; they can neither feel nor see the appreciation they deserve for their efforts and the challenging implementation processes.”
- “The World is a Two-door Khan”: Ruhi Kafescioğlu / Bilge Işık
Ruhi Kafescioğlu, born in Kayseri in 1919, graduated from the Advanced Vocational School for Engineering in 1943 with the title of architect. After four years of self-employment, he worked as an assistant in the Department of Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture at Istanbul Technical University in 1947. He pursued research on building materials in Germany in 1955, received the title of associate professor in 1954, and was appointed as a professor in the same department in 1965. Kafescioğlu, who carried out significant research on the improvement and development of soil structures, passed away on 12th December 2020. Bilge Işık wrote a text in memoriam.
- The Architecture Scene has Witnessed a “Giant”: Ragıp Buluç / Tezcan Karakuş Candan
Ragıp Buluç was born in Ankara in 1940, completed his undergraduate education in 1964 and his master's degree in 1967 at the Faculty of Architecture in METU, worked as a specialist in the State Planning Organization until 1972. He won the National Architecture Award in the Building Category and several other awards both in Turkey and abroad. Buluç, a member of the Chamber of Architects with registration number 2502, passed away on 22nd October 2020. Tezcan Karakuş Candan wrote a text in memoriam.
- The Relationship Between the Regulation on Value Increase Share Regarding the Development Plan Amendment and the Public Good / Serhat Başdoğan
The Ministry of Environment issued the Regulation on Value Increase Share Regarding the Development Plan Amendment, which aims at bringing an increase of value of the real estate as a result of the zoning plan change to the public as a value increase share. The writer, focusing on the importance of this regulation for the public interest and its similar practices in various other countries, seeks answers by offering suggestions on issues that may cause some difficulties and uncertainty in practice.
- Experience of the "New" Exhibition Space Under the Effects of the Pandemic / Pınar Kılıç Özkan
The digital exhibitions that we frequently come across as new experiences re-shape our lives due to the pandemic. Do they really promise “new” experiences for us? The writer, approaching the virtual exhibitions with a critical eye together with inferences from the transformation of our experiences in exhibition spaces throughout history, traces the future of exhibition spaces.
- İzmir After the Earthquake: Where is the Neglect, and Who is Responsible? / Muzaffer Tunçağ, Özgür Bozdağ, İlker Kahraman
Following the disaster news that we frequently encounter in our country, which is located in a seismic zone, we keep talking about similar issues; we hope to hear better news and results after disasters while unable to avoid the same mistakes and negligence. In this collection, which focuses on the confusing nature of the responsible authorities in the aftermath, the writers discuss the handling of crises by the central-local governments and the parties in charge of building.
FILE: Urban Resilience on the Verge of Unpredictability
- Speculations on the Transformation of the Space After COVID-19 / Ali Tolga Özden
- Battling Pandemics from the Perspective of Urban Resilience / Zeynep Deniz Yaman Galantini
- Building Urban Resilience and Livability: The Importance of Local Governments and Inclusive Policies in the Pandemic / Ebru Tekin Bilbil
- The 21st Century and Resilient Cities / Deniz Gerçek
Today, all cities and citizens come up against a series of natural and/or man-made shocks and stresses such as earthquakes, floods, famine, drought, rapid migration, cyber-attacks, and pandemics due to rapid urbanization, climate change, and political instability. Built and shaped by humankind, cities -in almost every part of the world- have triggered the risk of disasters that we have faced throughout history and that have taken a more dangerous dimension today. Moreover, they have become systems that are directly affected by the same disasters. In this rapidly changing, increasingly complex, and hard to predict global order, people, institutions, societies, and cities are expected to endure, adapt to and manipulate both the emerging changes/transformation and the natural or unnatural disasters. One of the basic principles of sustainable urban development in the framework of global development and goals, the concept of "urban resilience” can be defined as the capacity and ability of individuals, communities, institutions, businesses, and systems in a city to survive, adapt to, and recover from these effects as soon as possible and sustaining minimum damage, no matter what chronic stresses and acute shocks they experience. The future of our societies and cities is directly proportional to how resilient they can be in the event of such situations. It requires urban policies and practices that include multi-layered, multi-dimensional, and holistic approaches.
Following this framework, drawing attention to “possible similarities between the efforts and problematic areas faced by humankind during the adventure of creating a ‘resilient living space’ over the course of 600 years, and the search for safe, healthy and sustainable shelter during the current COVID-19 outbreak”,
Ali Tolga Özden discusses how approaches to the production of safe buildings and the design of living spaces emerge across natural disasters and specifically to epidemics. Discussing the main points involved in combating the COVID-19 pandemic based on the key indicators of urban resilience,
Zeynep Deniz Yaman Galantini emphasizes the importance of a "holistic approach" for achieving urban resilience, depending on the ability to manage change in the urban planning process by elaborating the necessity of urban resilience to be at the intersection of a balanced interplay between spatial and social dynamics and the capacity for governance in the face of unexpected changes. In her article,
Ebru Tekin Bilbil criticizes the framing of urban resilience as an alternative to livability while discussing "the state of being unprotected, precarious, unhealthy, dirty, unclean, congested, placeless, and deprived of urban services in the line of life and death in cities that cannot be inhabited."
Deniz Gerçek emphasizes that "the strict, deterministic perspective and rationalist approaches inherited from modernist urban planning theories within the framework of disaster risk management should be replaced by innovative and creative approaches that focus on uncertainty and change”, in a world order where uncertainties increase, and the future is unpredictable. The writer defines the concepts of resilience, urban resilience, and urban spatial resilience separately and explains the relationship these concepts have with different disciplines.
In the light of the opinions presented, we can conclude that the COVID-19 pandemic, which has become the inevitable focus of all articles (even though it is not the main topic) is an old yet new aspect in the planning and design of our cities and living spaces.
File Editor: Şebnem Önal Hoşkara
A Unique Monument From Medieval Istanbul to Today: Chora / Mine Esmer
In this chapter of Cultural Heritage In Danger, a series which began in our 405th issue, Mine Esmer wrote a piece on Chora.
- Kayseri Melikgazi Meeting Point National Idea Competition
The idea competition organized jointly by the Kayseri Branch of TMMOB Chamber of Architects and the Melikgazi Municipality has concluded. It aims to develop original proposals that define and produce a new meeting point that will enrich Kayseri's contemporary urban life. In the competition (which was freelance, national and single-stage), 138 projects were taken into consideration, 3 equivalent prizes and 3 honorable mentions were given, and 2 purchases were made.
- Kayseri Talas Mevlana Neighborhood Square National Idea Competition
The idea competition jointly organized by the Kayseri Branch of TMMOB Chamber of Architects and the Melikgazi Municipality has concluded. Its aims were to increase the current and future quality of urban life and to develop opportunities for public functions, in line with the design potential of the urban park of Talas Mevlana Neighborhood. In the competition (which was freelance, national and single-stage), 57 projects were taken into consideration, 3 equivalent prizes and 3 honorable mentions were given, and 2 purchases were made.
- Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Kadıköy Square Urban Design Competition
The urban design competition, organized by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Department of Survey and Projects, Directorate of Infrastructural Projects, has concluded. It aims to increase the spatial quality by evaluating all its potentials in order to design the site in accordance with environmental preservation and with a modern approach. In the competition (which was freelance, national and single-stage), 53 projects were taken into consideration, 3 equivalent prizes and 5 honorable mentions were given.
- Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Theodosius Harbor Archaeological Site Architectural Design Competition
The architectural project competition organized by the Department of Cultural Assets of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality has concluded. Its aims were to merge the different layers of life, extending from the past to the present, to make theirs a shared knowledge by raising awareness, to understand and explain the value of the monument, and to mediate its collective remembrance. In the competition (which was freelance, national and single-stage), 35 entries were taken into consideration, 3 prizes and 5 honorable mentions were given.
- Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Salacak Coastline Design Competition
The competition organized by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality has concluded. Its aims were to assess the potential of designs of the area in question, bringing to the fore functional and innovative solutions that may shed light on the economic, original and quality design approaches to today’s architecture; and to choose projects and designers that offer a contemporary view of the urban landscape. In the competition (which was freelance, national and single-stage), 60 projects were taken into consideration, 3 equivalent prizes and 5 honorable mentions were given, and 4 purchases were made.
- Izmir Metropolitan Municipality River Meles as an Urban and Ecological Backbone National Urban Design Idea Projects Competition
The urban design ideas projects competition organized by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality has concluded. The aims of the competition were to develop ideas on the possible meanings of the waterway known as River Meles and its immediate surroundings -which has earned its place in the historical memory of the city-, visions for its future, scenarios for spatial consolidation in the context of its integration with urban life, and solutions for the focal points in its immediate surroundings. In the competition (which was freelance, national and single-stage), 11 entries were taken into consideration, 3 prizes and 5 honorable mentions were given.
The Seven Liberal Arts of Antiquity and the Education of the “Architect” / Aktan Acar
In Ancient Rome, liberal arts seem to partly constitute the system that regulated definition, explanation, and judgment at every scale, from the structure of the universe to the arrangement of bricks. The writer, who tackles the definition of architectural activity and the role of the architect in the process of making of a structure by taking into account the differences in epoch, examines the relationship between the dominant paradigm of the era, "the status of architecture, the identity and education of the architect."
Light Spreading from the Screen to the City: the Diyarbakır Dilan Cinema / Didem Şahin, Fatma Meral Halifeoğlu
Cinemas, once the most important site for meeting and events in the city, are a part of a city’s urban memory due to their spatial characteristics and their place in social life. The writers, dealing with the development of movie-going culture in Diyarbakır by focusing on the Dilan Cinema -distinguished for its unique architecture- emphasize the importance of reintroducing the currently idle structure to the city life.
Negotiation of Transforming Places / Beril Önalan
ALICE (The Atelier of the Conception of Space) develops projects that are located in the intersection of design and the social sciences. With their projects House 1 and House 2, they enable the experience of a space that is always changing, full of possibilities, and open to interpretation, highly contrasting with the structures that are dominant in today's architectural market, which result from collaborations that do not allow the distribution of responsibilities and transparency among many stakeholders.
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