Mimarlık. 407 | May-June 2019



The Sixth Anniversary of the Gezi Protests: Rethinking the Concepts of Civic Culture and Participation / Şebnem Önal Hoşkara

The writer, approaching the Gezi protests –which emerged as a civic society movement- in its anniversary, notes that “cities’ ability to be more socially inclusive, accessible and equal is only possible through the elimination of discrimination and insecure urban conditions, the establishment of more livable and healthier cities with a strong identity, and planning and design methods which allow for the efficient use of the aforementioned urban public spaces, and which are democratic and inclusive of civic society”.


A “High Loss” Project: Ankapark / Emre Sevim

It seems like the Ankapark project which comes across with new controversial headlines everyday by undergoing modification right after its inauguration, will not fall off the agenda because of many like reasons like its tender, its expenditures, its security flaws. The writer appraises Ankapark as “a project which does not serve the founding purposes of Atatürk Forest Farm and Zoo, a utopia of the Republic”.

Running on Slippery Ground:

The Thoughts on the Reconstructed Mecidiyeköy Liqueur Factory / Yıldız Salman

With each passing day, the concept of “Reconstruction" gains a new meaning as “if rebuilding is possible, let’s demolish what exists and build it again”. Lately we came across this widespread concept, the validity of which we must question when considering the case of the historical Liqueur Factory in Mecidiyeköy. Without getting into the pros and cons of the project, the writer questions the roots of the problem by looking at recent examples of “reconstruction” which are regarded as part of our approach to the “preservation” of modern architectural heritage.


An Important Step towards Safeguarding Archaeological Assets of Turkey: SARAT / Nur Banu Kocaaslan

The project SARAT, under the directorship of The British Institute in Ankara has, in the last two years, conducted various missions – most of them for the first time in their fields- with the aim of safeguarding archeological assets of Turkey.

A Global and Minority-based Look at the Events Commemorating Bauhaus Centennial / Ekin Pınar

The centennial events, which were important contributions to the literature of architecture and design history, also bring about inquiries regarding the ways we approach Bauhaus. The writer, by addressing the role played by Bauhaus and its heritage, draws attention to the importance of these studies because of “their effort to overcome the western, white male-centered conception of history”.


Through the Eyes of a Freelancer Architect Who Owns an Office / Acar Avunduk

How do practicing architects who own their own office see the current crisis? The article penned by Acar Avunduk, looking for an answer to this question, touches upon what we have faced in the midst of other crises taken place over time. 

The Crisis of the Construction Sector and the Unemployment of Architects / Mustafa Sönmez

The construction sector, which has been the most affected by the crisis, is going through its most difficult days in history. The workers in the construction sector are grappling with unemployment due to the decrease in job opportunities taking place in a worrying manner. After describing this catastrophic scenario, the writer asserts that the worst days are yet to come.


The Winner of the 2019 Pritzker Award Arata Isozaki

In-between the Global and the Local / E. Nadide Gür

This year’s Pritzker was awarded to Japanese architect Arata Isozaki. The award will be presented by the jury to Isozaki, who has been praised for his deep knowledge of architectural history and theory, in a public ceremony which will take place in the Versailles Palace in Paris in the month of May.


The Envelope” and “The Enveloped: Notes on the Technopark Istanbul Management and R&D Building / Funda Uz

Technopark Istanbul Management and R&D Building, which received the “Building Category Prize” in the 2018 National Architecture Awards, catches the eye with its iconic presence and double skin façade. The writer, emphasizing the favorable dimension behind the attempts to have an energy-efficient structure, states that the structure offers the modern and modest face of Turkey given its distinctly visible façade located nearby Sabiha Gökçen Airport, one of the gates to the city of Istanbul.


Traces of Nezih Eldem in Eyüpsultan / Hülya Yalçın

Nezih Eldem, for many years, had succeeded on a number of missions, and had voluntarily made great efforts on projects of different scales. The writer, who worked with him for years, helps us to follow Nezih Eldem’s traces by briefly mentioning some of his projects. As the editorial team, we look forward to your contributions and original research focusing on NEZİH ELDEM.


What Happened, What Is Happening In The Historical Center of Trabzon? / Bekir Gerçek

In this issue’s Cultural Heritage under Threat, a section we have featured since number 405, we approach Trabzon through the lens of Bekir Gerçek.


The Practice of Architecture and Travel: Cengiz Bektaş’s Discourse of “Being Anatolian” / Melike Akyol, Esin Boyacıoglu, T. Elvan Altan

This study about Cengiz Bektaş, who was deemed worthy of the Sinan Award (the grand prize of the 2016 International Architecture Exhibition and Awards), discusses the effect of Bektaş’s travels on his process of architectural production. The writers attempt to decipher the codes which Bektaş, a self-proclaimed “Anatolian”, formulated during his travels which he undertook with the objective of producing local architecture and reflected in his architectural practices.


Architects as Actors of the Network Society at 21st Century / H. Özge Tümer Yıldız, Neslihan Dostoğlu

The concept created by Vitruvius “the versatile architect who is equipped with the knowledge regarding all aspects of the process”, in these days, has transformed into a position where “processes are conducted by different expertise, while the architect holding her/his versatility”. With the effect of information revolution, this collaboration is now possible thanks to the availability of communication without the limits of time/space. The writers, dealing with the condition, namely “Network society”, by discussing the position of architects in this process, draw a parallel between the process and “film production” and call attention to the relationality of multi-actor productions.


Productive Hybridity: The Effects of Building Traditions in Modern Izmir Housing / Şeniz Çıkış

Izmir, known for having been a cosmopolitan city in every period of history, presents hybrid housing, which is an offspring of this variety. The writer, looking at 19th century Izmir from up close and adopting an analytic approach in the light of similar examples produced in the same period, studies housing in Izmir and interprets it as a unique synthesis of the modern and the traditional.


Appraisal of the Heritage of the Kars Railway in the Context of New Railway Projects / Merve Arslan Çinko, Zeynep Eres

The Kars Railway and its structures, of great importance given the relationship they maintain with their environment since the very beginning, have lost efficiency due to their inability to meet today’s needs. The writers approach the railway line, the reconstruction of which is being discussed with current projects, and brings attention to why it is necessary to preserve the area as an “industrial heritage site”.


Risk-bearing Buildings under Urban Transformation Law: Totalistic Approach or Uniquness of the Building / Halil İbrahim Polat, Candan Çınar Çıtak

The law regarding Transformation of Areas Under Disaster Risks no. 6306, known as “Urban Transformation” law, has been applied to not only risk-bearing buildings but to various cases in a wide spectrum and has been used as an excuse to demolish existing buildings. The writers, taking a closer look at the definition of “risk-bearing building” in the Law, attempt to make a proposal by criticizing the totalistic approach solely driven by earthquake regulations.


The Glory of the Early Republican Period in Ankara: The Building of the School for Music Teachers / Leyla Alpagut

The School for Music Teachers, one of the buildings representing the modern face of Ankara, the Republican Capital, is an important landmark located in the Cebeci square. The writer, who discusses this innovative building designed by Ernst A. Egli for its pioneering function by merging referents taken from history with modern architecture, identifies the structure as an aesthetic object of the city.


30th anniversary of the Louvre Pyramid: A Celebration of the Temporary! / İpek Akın

The French photographer and artist JR, who sees the city and the public spaces as his own canvas, is known for his artworks, in which he glues black and white prints of objects on various architectural elements including walls, façades, and even roofs. The artist, who has come to the fore with a recent project named The Secret of the Great Pyramid, unearths from the depths the great glass pyramid of the Louvre Museum on its 30th birthday by means of an optic manipulation.

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