To What Extent are Buildings Ready for Bomb Raids? The Case of HSBC / Ahmet Turhan Altıner
HSBC Bank in İstanbul, which was the main target of a terrorist attack in November, and the neighboring Metrocity building, suffered serious and extensive damages. Ahmet Turhan Altıner underlines that these bomb raids, defined as human origin disasters, should be factors to be considered in architectural design, especially in the case of high-rise buildings. The article, which mentions measures taken into consideration during the design process of these two buildings, concludes that the effects of bombings on buildings can only be managed with the establishment of a proper “disaster administration”.
* Student Assembly for Alternative Architectural Education:
Assembly 7.5 with the Theme of “With(out) ID” / Nazlı Elçin, Zühal Ekinci
* EASA 2003 Denmark With the Theme “Sustainable Life” / Bilge Ar
Focusing on Architectural Education, two student assemblies addressing attempts in architectural education are presented. The Assembly 7.5 gathered Turkish architecture students last July in İzmir under the theme of “With(out) ID”. The second was the European Architecture Students Assembly EASA, in which hundreds of European architecture students came together at the Kalø city of Denmark under the theme “Sustainable Life”.
* After the 15th “Building-Life” Congress / Defne Benol Acar
* The Chamber of Architects Bursa Chapter, 15th International Building and Life Congress: “Cities and Architecture” Bursa Declaration
The 15th Building & Life Fair and Congress organized in September by the Chamber of Architects Bursa Chapter, received a wide range of participation both from Turkey and abroad. The theme of the congress was “Cities and Architecture” in coordination with the concept of “Celebration of Cities” in the agenda of the UIA 2005 İstanbul Congress. Defne Benol Acar dwells on the leading titles discussed during the meetings and following her article is the Bursa Declaration issued after the congress.
Architecture in the Texts of Non-Architects / editor: Gürhan Tümer
Architecture concerns not only architects but also the whole society, which uses buildings designed by architects. Therefore, opinions of the others (who are outside the architectural profession) about architecture and buildings are as important as those of the architects. When intellectuals like philosophers, writers and painters start to think about architecture, this contribution becomes more interesting so that it can open new horizons for the development of architecture. Throughout history, the interest of some distinguished figures (like Napoléon III, Baron Haussmann, Joseph Paxton, Tevfik Fikret) on architecture was to design and construct buildings as if they were practicing architects, while some others (like Marc-Antoine Laugier, Victor Hugo, Thomas More, Ahmet Haşim, Falih Rıfkı Atay) wrote several theoretical texts on architecture. The file, which rather focuses on the second group, presents architectural texts written by those people who had no architectural education and who were not architects.
Jacques Derrida: The Philosophy of Architecture or The Architectonic of Philosophy
/ Ahenk Bayık Yılmaz
The article focuses on the discourse of Jacques Derrida, who is one of the philosophers frequently referred in the discussions related to pose a “statement” on architecture. He is an important figure because he had an opportunity to turn his ‘statement’ into a ‘reality’ in the Parc de La Villette project, where he contributed to the design process led by Bernard Tschumi. Ahenk Bayık Yılmaz claims that Derrida aims at “turning architecture into a metaphor and setting up a philosophy in front of it or based on it”.
Interview with Deniz Baytin:
The Transformation of Discipline and Practice: Expectations and New Horizons
Architect Deniz Baytin, the Deputy General Director of Yapı Kredi Investments, answers the questions of Cânâ Bilsel and Hasan Kıvırcık about likely developments to occur in the architectural profession in Turkey, in relation with globalization and EU processes. With an optimistic approach for future developments, Baytin believes that Turkish architects and architectural offices shall not be overwhelmed by foreign architects and architectural firms, which will have an opportunity to have a share in the design and construction work in Turkey by future arrangements. According to him, the emergence of a competitive environment shall improve the quality of architectural works and encourage the development of the architectural profession through exchange of knowledge among different cultures.
The Architecture of the Void / Emre Demirel
Departing from the idea that the perceptibility of a space depends on the meaningfulness of the void between the objects that constitutes it, the article interprets various spatial organizations from the periods of Ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome to examples of the Modern Movement. Although the elements of architecture such as surfaces, physical dimensions, light, texture, color have been considerably influenced by the ever-changing social, cultural and economic conditions, there was actually no significant change in the methods used for the establishment of a spatial perception by means of visual dynamism and orientation.
1922, Chicago Tribune Architectural Project Competition / İhsan Duygulu
The architectural project competition opened in 1922 “to erect the most beautiful and distinctive office building in the world“ for the Chicago Tribune Newspaper, received proposals from Holabird and Roche, Burnham and Root partnerships, as well as famous architects of the time such as Eliel Saarinen, Walter Gropius, Adolf Meyer and Bruno Taut. The competition, which resulted with the winning project of John Howell and Raymond Hood, became a very significant event of the period both during the competition process and the ongoing debates. In his article, İhsan Duygulu takes a historical look towards American architecture, mainly focusing on the project of Adolf Loos, which was not taken into consideration by the jury because of its late submission.
Living of the Dead: Zoning / Orhan Kuntay
“Zoning” as concept, which foresaw regional planning based on functional separation, has widely influenced planning activities since its emergence in 1926, however it faced severe criticisms during the last decades. Orhan Kuntay criticizes zoning in principal, on grounds that it eliminates variety and continuity in urban environment. He presents “urban mixture” (mixité urbain), “variety in housing” (diversité de l’habitat),”flexible zoning” and “zoning inclusion” as alternatives to zoning. He further discusses the example of Eryaman Mass Housing in Ankara as an outcome of a successful revision of the previous program of zoning. According to Kuntay, the conventional understanding of zoning is inevitably condemned to death.
English and Turkish translations by Tuğçe Selin Tağmat
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