MİMARLIK 373. September-October 2013
A Coup to Professional Chambers, Architects, Engineers … / Doğan Hasol
The author states that professional chambers, in general, more than protecting the best interest of members, focus their efforts in protecting public interest. He emphasises that with the outbreak of Gezi Park events professional chambers’ and especially Chamber of Architects’ years-long interminable efforts have played an effective role in raising urban consciousness. In this regard, he states that transferring professional chambers’ potencies to Ministry with an attempt to cut their income is a non-democratic, a vicious administrative manoeuvre and even a coup
As in recent years, with the regulation prepared without consulting to any opinion and public deliberation and announced in Official Gazette in 1st June 2013, a process of effacing professional rights, defined by international agreements, has started. Following the amendments made to the regulation, with a motion submitted at the night of 9th July 2013, it was included to the content of “bag-law” and enacted during the discussions at the Parliamentary General Assembly. “Bag-law” eliminated the professional auditing authorities of chambers affiliated to the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineer and Architects (TMMOB) and a series of regulations related directly with the field of architectural profession were enacted, such as; leaving the right to recognise the work of art value of architectural projects to aesthetic councils and violation of authorship rights when the project is not considered to have that value. The section evaluates on this short but intense period, stretching to one and a half month, starting with the beginning of Gezi Park events to the enactment of the “bag-law”, through brief quotations compiled from signature campaigns, personal opinions and press releases from related organisations.
Mücella Yapıcı: “Now there are Ongoing Valuable Discussions on Every Aspect of Life and City in Forums at the Neighbourhood Parks. Almost Everywhere is TMMOB City Symposium” / Interview: Zafer Akdemir
As an important constituent of Taksim Solidarity, which is comprised of 113 organisations, the Chamber of Architects carried out an utterly legal, legitimate, democratic and peaceful struggle during Gezi Park events. However Taksim Solidarity, where administrators of Chamber of Architects are also took active part were accused to create a criminal organisation. We have talked with architect Mücella Yapıcı, who is the spokesman of Taksim Solidarity and specialised on urban crimes in Chamber of Architects İstanbul Metropolitan Branch, on Gezi Park events and discussed the future potentials of this social and urban movement began with these events.
‘Gezi’ Society, Resisting Space/ Deniz Özkut, Göksun Akyürek Altürk
The authors convey discussions on space and politics and perceptible demands raised in forums taking place in parks, such as Abbasağa, Yoğurtçu Park in İstanbul and Kuğulupark in Ankara that have started to be extensively used as public spaces by people from all over Turkey.
Living and Breathing with Gezi Park: University Students Evaluate their Experiences
University students comment on experiencing Gezi Park and on the after effects.
10th Five-Year Development Plan has Announced, Why am I not Surprised?/ Çelen Birkan
With the statutory decree that came into force in 2011 State Planning Organisation (DPT), subordinate to Prime Ministry, was abolished. Maintained to function under the newly founded Ministry of Development, the organisation in other words was moved out from being an advisory board to the government, to a confirmed place within the bureaucratic structure. The author explains the reasons behind the silent announcement of the 10th Development Plan and why it has not acclaimed a place in the busy agenda of the country.
- Which ‘Olympics’? / Sena Özfiliz
- Are We Aware of the 2020 İstanbul Olympics Trap? / Mustafa Sönmez
In the last few months Olympics started to appear in the architectural agenda through ‘projects’ at the level of 3D visuals ordered to foreign architects and planners by the National Olympics Committee of Turkey. The file without getting involved to the evaluation of these projects, which cannot be regarded as architectural projects yet, includes views on the logic behind site selection, planning, environment and transportation. Beyond the positive aspects that are displayed, the file examines what is behind the scenes and what İstanbul offers for Olympics. There are comparisons between preparation processes and allocated budgets in Tokyo and Madrid. The articles discuss issues such as, the cost of Olympics to İstanbul, ways to achieve public participation in planning and decision-making processes in case it is held in İstanbul, and how to benefit from 2004 Athens, 2012 London and 2016 Rio de Janeiro experiences. Topics such as the economy of Olympic investments and its effects on Turkish economy are among the evaluations within the file.
Stadiums in the Light of Olympics: Changing Rules and New Designs/ Tan Kamil Gürer
Turkey besides being a candidate for Olympics is also a candidate for World and European football organisations and in this context there is an ongoing work on nearly 20 stadium buildings, which are either at project or construction stage. Especially in the last 10 years decisions that affect stadium designs are subject to constant change and to constant information update. The author focuses on the reflections of changing design criteria and expectations of international organisations on design and building standards.
Service Building and Commercial Centre for the Municipality of Antalya Gazipaşa and its Environment
Gazipaşa, developed around Mersin-Antalya transit route, 45 km away from Alanya, is a Mediterranean coastal settlement with a population of 22 thousand and rich in agricultural production. In addition to its unique natural and cultural values, the city is expected to become a centre of attraction with the newly opened airport and tourism areas. The subject of the competition is to achieve designs for the municipality service building, commercial and social facilities for Gazipaşa by taking into account the regional values and the development potentials of the region. Among 54 projects submitted to the national single-staged competition launched by Municipality of Gazipaşa in coordination with the Chamber of Architects Antalya Branch, 3 awards and 4 mention awards were distributed.
“My Mother’s Job is My Future”: Borusan Joy Factory
Borusan, in the scope of “My Mother’s Job is My Future” project, launched in collaboration with the Ministry of Family and Social Policies and the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, will set up nursery and day care units called “Borusan Joy Factory” in 10 cities and 10 organised industrial zones. The competition opened in coordination with Information Centre of Turkish Building World, aimed to achieve a model for the architecture of Borusan Joy Factories, in providing fun, healthy and safe education environment for children between the ages of 0-6, of women working or wanting to work in industry. Among 188 projects evaluated in the competition 3 awards, 3 mention and 5 purchase awards were distributed.
Loft Garden and the Position of Tabanlıoğlu Architects in Turkish Architecture
/ Neşe Gurallar
Loft Garden, designed by Tabanlıoğlu Architects as a soft loft, was among the nominations in “Building Category” in the 2012 National Architecture Exhibition and Awards. The author while carrying the limits of architectural criticism beyond the singular existence of the building, discusses the issue at larger scale including economic, social and urban aspects without getting trapped in professional boundaries.
Energy Efficient Design Strategies in Different Climatic Zones: An Exemplar Comparison for Warm Dry and Temperate Humid Climate Regions in Turkey/ A. Zerrin Yılmaz
The article is a continuation of the discussion opened with the file edited by Günkut Akın and titled as “Climatised Architecture, Going Where?” as appeared in the previous issue of the magazine and thus is a contribution to the technical aspect of the subject. As is known, current TS 825 standard is a mandatory standard, defining the rules of thermal insulation to reduce energy consumption in buildings in Turkey. However TS 835 subjects to heating zones rather than climatic zones in Turkey and therefore regions with diverse climatic characteristics needing different energy efficient design strategies are all subject to the same insulation rules. The author raises a critical approach to the current standards through a comparative study conducted in İstanbul and Mardin and states that the “Directive of Energy Performance in Buildings” prepared in the light of EU directives offers a better standard for designing energy efficient buildings.
Being out of Sight: Sandıma Village / Gülşen Akgündüz
The settlement is situated within the boundaries of Yalıkavak region, which is located at the northwest of popular tourism destination; Bodrum Peninsula. Sandıma village, with a six-century of history -according to various sources, is believed to have a strong historical background with ruins and sepulchres dating from Leleges that surround the village. It also includes examples of local residential architecture.
An Exemplar Organisation for R&D Model in Building Industry in Turkey: BRI / Özlem Parlak Biçer
Japan, as a country located at the earthquake zone, has an advanced earthquake adaptive building industry. Besides preservation of existing historical tissue and being committed to retaining the traditional construction systems, the country also conducts various researches on sustainable cities, integrated with natural life and thus has achieved an advanced level in infrastructural systems. The author states that the Japanese institution BRI, which carries out R&D projects in the field of building, is an exemplar model for the establishment of a R&D organisation in the building sector, necessary to be developed in Turkey.
An Old “Khaki Journey” with Şevki Vanlı / Güven Birkan
Algerian State Cultural Events Settlement, where Şevki Vanlı questioned the roots of Islamic architecture and treated traditional building elements with a contemporary approach, was designed as a settlement for the foreign guests of the presidency. Algerian government stipulated the preparation of the application projects of the Islamic complex (
külliye) to be completed in Algeria. Even though it is an apprehensible demand on behalf of the employers, who expect the development of a contemporary but genuine architectural culture for their country, a crowded group of architects and engineers from Turkey have to move to Algeria with their families for the realisation of the project by the end of 1984.
Leman Cevat Tomsu: A Pioneer in Turkish Architecture, 1913-1988 / Belgin Turan Özkaya, Elvan Altan Ergut
“Leman Cevat Tomsu: A Pioneer in Turkish Architecture, 1913-1988”, the sixth book of the Contribution to Architecture series from Chamber of Architects Publications, subjects Leman Cevat Tomsu, who is one of the two women, who has professional degree in architecture. The authors evaluate the book that came after five books, which introduce the work of male architects, as a significant contribution to the realm of architecture and architectural history, which is still heavily dominated by men.
The Spirit of OccupyGezi Blossoms in Büyükdere Park / Zafer Akay
One of the forum series organised after the Gezi Park events gathers at Büyükdere. It is a small but effective group that carries out Northern Forest Defence and stands up for Life against the 3rd Bridge. They perform small “contact”s in spreading awareness towards the environment and citizenship at Büyükdere. There is a park at the shore of Büyükdere filled with centuries old plane trees, which is about to become a car park. The people from the neighbourhood clean the rubbish from the ruins of the temporary structures in the park and reshape the landscape with the flowers and plantings they find and bring to the park. The spirit of OccupyGezi blossoms in Büyükdere Park.
English Summary by Derin İnan
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