DOSYA: Türkiye’de Yeni Konut Eğilimleri

    İpek Özbek Sönmez

    Yrd. Doç. Dr., DEÜ Şehir ve Bölge Planlama Bölümü

MİMARLIK’tan 337




Mimar Kemalettin Bey Commemorated in his new Memorial Tomb

Parallel to the National Architecture Awards, the Chamber of Architects of Turkey (CAT) holds a commemoration programme on the memory of Mimar Kemalettin Bey, as a research programme of two years. The first event of the programme, aimed to honor the memory of the architect with a ceremony, together with the opening of the newly designed memorial tomb. The ceremony, which was realized with the excessive support from the research committee members and contribution of the architects of the tomb, Can Çinici -Zeynep Mennan, was presented to the interest of many architects.


Is there still a Chance for the Factory Building of Vakko? / N. Müge Cengizkan

Vakko Handiworks, Scarves and Confection Factory, was designed as a textile factory in 1969, as an industrial complex by Haluk Baysal. Being one of the significant buildings of the architect, the building also houses various art works that belong to many famous Turkish artists. After it has been sold to another company in January 2007, the building is under risk of demolition. MİMARLIK tries to question whether there still is another change to prevent the building from getting lost.


*3 years with Şaban Ormanlar in Executive Board / Güven Birkan

Güven Birkan, who worked closely with Şaban Ormanlar in 1972-1975, tells about this beloved architect, the three times president (18-20. terms) of the Chamber of Architects of Turkey, whom we lost very recently.

*What would an architect’s house look like? / Abdurrahman Hancı’s house in Büyükdere / Radi Birol

A close friend of Abdurrahman Hancı, Radi Birol, tells about the “architect’s house”, designed by Hancı, one of the founders of the Chamber of Architects of Turkey and owner of the grand prize for the V. / 1996 National Architecture Award, whom we lost very recently…


* Rotterdam: 2007 A City of Architecture / Emre Altürk

The year 2007 is a year of architecture in Rotterdam. The International Architecture Biennale of Rotterdam is an event that aims to gather knowledge and experience in the designing disciplines through various exhibitions and events organized all around the city. The events that will continuously take place till September will focus on the theme of the Biennale: Power – producing the contemporary city. The author while providing a survey to the events, also highlights the intimacy between architecture and Rotterdam city, and the state of Dutch architects, government, local initiatives and schools, which not only benefit from the city but also enrich the urban character of Rottedam.

* 2007 Prague Quadrennial Theater Festival / Burkay Pasin

The 2007 Prague Quadrennial - international competitive exhibition of scenography and theatre architecture, is being held in every four years in the capital of the Check Republic, Prague, since 1967. This year, the festival housed over 5 thousand theater, stage and costume designers, architects specialized in theater design and drama instructors from 52 countries, in June, 15th - 24th. Among the events that took place during the festival, the article reviews the atmosphere of this theatrical scenery.

* 6th International Space Syntax Symposium / Yasemin İnce Güney, Ayşe Sema Kubat, Özlem Özer, Bahar Başer, Gülşen Güler

187 researchers and practicing architects from 28 different countries who work in the field of space syntax, one of the most prominent scientific movements in architecture and urban design, gathered in the Taşkışla Building of İTÜ on 12-15 June, 2007 to attend the 6th International Space Syntax Symposium. This article reviews the symposium which housed papers and posters on architectural theory, information technologies in architecture and city planning, transportation planning, urban analysis, the morphology of buildings and the city and design theory. According to the authors this symposium has been a successful step in introducing the space syntax method to the researchers, academicians and practicing architects in Turkey.


The 6th Architecture and Urban Assembly took place in Eskişehir: “Industrial Cities and Architecture”/ Review: Derin İnan

The sixth meeting of “Towards an Architectural Policy for Turkey”: Architecture and Urban Assemblies took place in Eskişehir, one of the major industrial city of Turkey, under the theme “Industrial Cities and Architecture”, between July, 28th and 29th. The participants discussed the future of industrial cities and how can our cities respond to the changes in the industrial investments and governmental policies.


On the “Turkish Architectural Policy”, Text / Erdal Aktulga

The author calls attention to the fact that the text on the Turkish Architectural Policy, opened to discussion by the CAT, to promote city and human based approaches in Turkey’s architectural policy, should not be seen as a one-time read manifesto left aside in odd corners.

Architectural Policies / Yücel Gürsel

The author contributes to the “Turkish Architectural Policy” debate by asking two questions. First, how should dominant political discourses in recent elections, which were limited to security issues and a threat related to terror and war, create an alternative axis in architectural policies? Second, how could we overcome our intellectual and methodological problems in realizing architectural policies and turning them into a social force, while on the whole debates on politics are superficial, exempt from social and class realities, and restrained to populist discourses?

FILE: New Inclinations in Dwelling in Turkey

The file focuses on the changing role of housing and new inclinations in the dwelling sector in Turkey, with the rise of consumption and commercial values that became more influential in daily life. Parallel to these changes new definitions and requirements are being set in order to achieve a quality in life, and these novel definitions are reflected in media and also in the architecture of the buildings through simulations or images that reflect- an ideal- house / life style. Tülin Görgülü and Senem Kaymaz Koca, look at the issue by analyzing the rise in the commercial value of new dwelling units, the advertisements and texts that are produced and which often overshadow the architectural and urban qualities. The article of Ece Kumkale, focuses on the rise in the preference for communal living and the birth of ‘condominium’ in Turkish cities. Nilay Ünsal Gülmez on the other hand, provides an alternative view in the design of dwelling units through the example of Cengiz Bektaş’s project. The file concludes with a selection of housing projects from the 10th Cycle of National Architecture Awards.


* Changes in Moscow City Administration and “Moscow City” Project/ Pelin Gökgür

The author introduces the “Moscow City” Project, which, as one of the most prominent projects to reflect the changing face of Moscow, is consisted of a variety of skyscrapers and will be completed by 2015. The article takes the picture of Moscow as it transforms into a model of “the city of international politics and economy” from a “communist city.” The author writes that in a great attempt for modernization, Moscow is becoming a world metropolis and as the project will not be compatible with the city’s historical parts either in terms of design or its location it will bring the loss of local values and identities.


After thought of “Architectural History Research Studio”: Architecture in Ankara, 1950–1980 / Bilge İmamoğlu, Elvan Altan Ergut

In this part, where we discuss, analyze and introduce theoretical approaches and architecture of the Republican Period, the studies being conducted under the graduate course “Architectural History Research Studio” in METU, is put under light. Focusing on a period of Ankara between 1950s and 1980s, the information gathered in the research studio set clear that there is an expertness achieved in the use of international and modern styles. The information gathered from the research studio, like the common use of art works in the public buildings and the fact that most public buildings were competition projects, help us to update our knowledge on recent architectural past and provides a persuasive ground to be able to stand against the ongoing interferences to the architectural heritage of the city.


* Instructions, Declarations, Directives / James Horan

At this juncture when higher education in Europe has been redefined, the new Qualifications Directive (36/2005/EU) will be the only legal valid document in Europe, while the Architects’ Directive (85/384/EEC) will be void by October 2007. James Horan writes that there are ambiguities as to how the new Qualifications Directive will be applied. According to the author both practicing architects and the ones participating in architectural education are concerned with the incongruity between the expectations of the Bologna Declaration and the necessities brought by the Qualifications Directive.

* A Critical Approach towards Architectural Education, in the Process of Re-formation / Hikmet Gökmen, Yasemin Sayar, Dürrin Süer

In this article, the architecture departments in Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus are comparatively analyzed through a variety of topics determined by the researchers and according to total course credits and the number of courses. In the post 1980 period economic, political and technological developments have also transformed the structure of architectural profession. Such transformations call for the redefining of architectural services as much as they bring about the issue of architectural education. This research aims to analyze architectural education in Turkey at the international level and determine both similarities and differences.


Notes on Taut’s “Mimari Bilgisi” (Architectural Knowledge) / Gürhan Tümer

Bruno Taut’s first visit to Turkey was for a competition opened in 1916 for the building of Turkish-German Friendship House in Istanbul. In his second visit he was commissioned to be an instructor in the Architectural Department of Fine Arts Faculty, Istanbul, as well as to work in the architecture office of Ministry of National Education. Unlike most foreign architects and planners, who came to work in Turkey at those times, Taut was the most internationally acclaimed modern architect. The author highlights some interesting points in the theoretical book “Architectural Knowledge” (Mimarî Bilgisi) he wrote for his students.


Sinasos: A Cappadocian Village before the Exchange / Aslı Özbay

Serafim N. Rizos is an intellectual, born in Sinasos, in 1882. He was one of the inhabitants of the Sinasos, who put out a project to record his village by photographs just before he was obliged to leave the place with the Exchange. He also left behind an inclusive collection covering his life and memories. These memories and photographs were later used by Evangelia Balta in writing this book, which constitutes a valuable archive on the significant nature, culture and settlements of Cappadocia.


Another Book on Mimar Sinan / Gürhan Tümer

There are many books published on Mimar Sinan, however it is not enough and it should never be enough. Tümer shares his thoughts after reading a book for children on Sinan. The book is valuable not only because it is published for children, but also it is a significant literature on the childhood of the architect.

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