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    Ela Babalık Sutcliffe, Doç. Dr., ODTÜ, Şehir ve Bölge Planlama Bölümü



MİMARLIK 374. November-December 2013


Transportation Master Plan, The Road, The Tunnel for Who? / Erhan Öncü

The author says that the current transportation projects in most of Turkey’s metropolitan cities are made to create market value or hide the created land speculation rather than presenting solutions to transportation problems. 3rd bridge in İstanbul, the new airport project,

Canal İstanbul and the two roads that are planned to pass through METU Campus and AOÇ Boulevard projects can all be regarded as the initiative steps opening the existing green areas and residential neighbourhoods to speculation and high-rise settlements.

50th Anniversary of MİMARLIK

Mimarlık is Stepping to Future with the Maturity of 50 Years of Age / Bülend Tuna

We are now publishing the last issue of the 50th anniversary special issues series of Mimarlık magazine. Continuity and institutional persistency is important but what is as important is to be able to go through changes to understand and interpret the present, reserving space for diverse priorities and expectations to have a say in the magazine, thus to be able to attain necessary amount of rigor and sensibility when going through that change. The author, who has been the president of the Editorial Board of the magazine evaluates the last ten years of its publication life.



/ Ali Cengizkan, Hikmet Gökmen, Nimet Özgönül, Deniz İncedayı, Ataol Behramoğlu

We have lost much-loved and valued names of our architectural community one after another this fall: Gürhan Tümer, Emre Madran, Oktay Ekinci... Besides his role as an educator, he is much known through his work in the field of architecture and literature, valuable contributions during his memberships to the editorial boards of Mimarlık and Ege Mimarlık magazines for many years, the holder of “Contribution to Architecture” award in 2004 National Architecture Exhibition and Awards, faculty member of DEU department of architecture, Prof. Dr. GÜRHAN TÜMER... Besides his role as an educator, he is well known through his studies on the history of preservation in Ottoman and Republican periods, traditional building materials and construction techniques, legislation of historic preservation, field management, administrative and financial aspects of preservation, he has been a member of the Executive Committee of the Chamber of Architects between the years 2006-2012, retired faculty member of METU Department of Architecture, Doç. Dr. EMRE MADRAN... Known through his valuable contributions in many diverse fields of architectural profession in the Chamber of Architects for many years, especially being a pioneering figure researching within the field of preservation of historical buildings and environments, his role as the President of the Chamber of Architects between the years 1998-2002 and 2004-2006, the articles he published as a columnist in Cumhuriyet since 1980, holder of the Honorary Award of 2001 International Centre for the Study of Restoration and Preservation of Cultural Heritage (ICCROM) OKTAY EKİNCİ...


Experimental Architectural Works in IABA 2013 / M. Ebru Erdönmez

Started to be organised for the first time in 2011 by the Chamber of Architects Antalya Branch, the International Architectural Biennale Antalya (IABA) was organised this year under the theme “Template”. The works exhibited in the section of “Experimental Architectural Works” aim to provide different experiences in public spaces to trigger creativity and increase awareness. The author, while explaining the works which have met with the audience in Kaleiçi district of Antalya, also sets their relations with ‘place’.


On the “Road” / Ela Babalık Sutcliffe

Before the completion of the 2023 Ankara Transportation Plan, which is still in the preparation process, the construction of the highway road, planned to pass through METU Settlement, 100. Yıl and Çiğdem Neighbourhoods, has opened the transportation policies of the city to discussion. While the effects of the project on the general transportation of Ankara are still being discussed, the construction that has started without the necessary permissions continues in spite of all the objections and protests. The author states that for attaining the continuity of the Anadolu Boulevard the road shouldn’t be regarded as a ‘highway’ and since it is planned to pass through a dense residential area in the city centre its ‘street levelling’ should be revised.


Against Haliç Port, which will Loot the Imperial Dockyards (Tersane-i Amire) / T. Gül Köksal

On May 2013, immediately after the public announcement about the urban transformation of Haliç Dockyards, to turn into “İstanbul Marina Complex”, a quick one and a half-month tender was initiated and the process of acquiring the projects for the transformation project was completed. Although founded nearly 600 years ago, Haliç Docyards has managed to keep up with today’s technology and therefore can still continue to function, yet due to its location it is bound to be the centre of attention for market-oriented projects. Haliç Solidarity is a body established to resist to powers determined to put such urban transformation projects into action.


Historical Urban Landscape Approach and Haliç Dockyards / Yonca Kösebay Erkan

Common problems of growing metropolises all around the world like; population growth, urbanisation, environmental degradation, natural disasters, climate change, increasing inequality and poverty are also the major urban problems of İstanbul. Market-oriented hegemonic projects being served at a greater speed than a city can tolerate for the sake of development have adverse impacts on the historic areas of the city. The author, emphasises the historical and cultural values of Haliç Dockyards, which has been an important component of industrial archaeology and urban memory of İstanbul, as opposed to the Haliçport project that proposes instead the building of a marina, hotel, shopping centre, luxury housing and a mosque.


A “New” in Bodrum: REEFLOFT / Pınar Dinç Kalaycı

Reefloft Houses, which are designed by Boran Ekinci Architects as being cohesive to urban fabric of Bodrum while determining its original position, has been nominated to the “Building Category” in the 2012 National Architecture Exhibition and Awards. The author while underlining the effort to bring out a new design approach by forcing the limits of the building regulations and architectural language of Bodrum, also conveys her notes from the interview she conducted with the architect of the building.


A Village in Thrace: KAYNARCA / Zeynep Eres

Kaynarca is located on the road, which is one of the major three axis connecting İstanbul to Thrace over Balkans that runs along the southern skirts of Istranca Mountains and reaches to Kırklareli through Vize and Pınarhisar. The region with its Bulgarian, Greek and Turkish neighbourhoods still preserves its genuine fabric and social structure.


Urban Transformation, Adana

Since its foundation in 1938, 5 Ocak Stadium has been a strong urban image for citizens of Adana. The stadium together with the surrounding sports facilities are planned to be demolished to acquire urban space with income-oriented new functions with a plan revision. Chamber of Architects Adana Branch has launched a national single-staged ideas competition in two categories for “professionals” and “architectural students” for the transformation of the area to serve to public needs rather than to market economy. Among 63 projects evaluated in the scope of the competition, 3 projects in each category were awarded.


Controversial Reuse and Revitalisation Projects of 2013 / Zeynep Ahunbay

One among the increasing “preservation” interventions in our country in recent years is to turn old Byzantine churches, which were being used as museums, to mosques. This increase have drew attention to many applications being done under the name of preservation without giving priority to the protection of “cultural” features that are present in cultural heritages. The author while questioning the function of institutions that are bound to supervise these interventions also brings up-to-date projects that violate the theory of preservation to the agenda.


URBAN PLAN of 1956-1960: Lost / Destroyed / Removed Structures along the Coastline of Karaköy-Beşiktaş Axis / Mine Esmer

The ‘urban movement’ started by the Prime Minister Adnan Menderes following the 1957 elections has left deep scars in the urban fabric along the coastal axis of Karaköy-Beşiktaş, which are visible even today. This first urban intervention in İstanbul, was a ‘prestige’ project, demonstrating the power of the political authority, yet with disabling all stakeholders, it became a scene of great destruction and demolition, and an unplanned development. The author evaluates on the topic through Valletta Principles, subjecting the preservation of historical cities and urban spaces, which was in the agenda of the 2011 ICOMOS meeting.


A Research on the Minimum Requirements for Founding and Retaining an Architectural Department / Mehmet Şener Küçükdoğu, E. Füsun Alioğlu, Neslihan Dostoğlu, Nur Esin, Hasan Çetin Türkçü, Nilay Coşgun, Evren Burak Enginöz, M. Emre Arslan

The field of higher education is being redefined in Turkey. The research conducted on the architectural departments by the authors of the article, between the years 2005 and 2013, was presented in 2010 Architecture and Education Assembly, organised by CAT, and was revised and updated to be printed in Mimarlık in 2013. According to the research the year 2009 marks a turning point; where the number of architectural departments in 2005 has risen from 36 to 44, by the end of 2009 and to 83, by the end of 2013. 1937 student quota in the year 2005, has reached to 5631 by 2013. The authors convey the outcomes of the comprehensive research that focuses on the number of students, the ratio between faculty members and students and the physical environment.


Collage Effect on the Design of Circulation Spaces / Nihan Canbakal Ataoğlu

Collage, as a technique of making “a composition or art done with sticking materials such as fabric or wood on paper or cardboard” was first used by Cubist painters Picasso and Braque. Different materials, forms, textures, used together with striking colour contrasts in the designs of many contemporary indoor circulation spaces, are reminiscent of the work of collage. The author states that concurrent to the rise in use of photomontage techniques, different materials, forms, textures and colour contrasts are often used in the design of circulation spaces, either consciously or unconsciously.


Reflections of Changes in Lifestyle on Indoor Organisation of Houses: 1950-1980 Period Trabzon Apartments / Tülay Zorlu, Serap Faiz

Trabzon, whose economic role arose with the Republic, has witnessed the urban migration increasing from 1950s onwards and the changing economic and socio-cultural life of the city was reflected on building typologies especially on apartments because of their characteristics to manifest the personal space of daily life. The authors conveys the results of the comprehensive research carried out on the apartment typologies, built between the years 1950 and 1980, at Trabzon city centre.


A Modern Railway Station Building in Anatolia: Ali Çetinkaya Station / İlker Erkan, Hasan Ş. Haştemoğlu

Modern station buildings, which can be seen as the reflection of the new regime on cities during the first years of the Republic, have largely lost their former importance today with the decrease in the use of railway transportation. Afyon Ali Çetinkaya Railway Station, located at the intersection of major railway network, has managed to survive till today without going through a major renovation, but only minor repairs and has a special importance as it still functions.


Pavement/Game/ Ferhat Hacıalibeyoğlu

The author emphasises that the contact points where the individual, as the main deciding figure of daily life, intervenes with the pavement, the public space where most of the interventions on the daily cycle of life occurs, should be diversified. The diversification, which is the result of users’ creativity, is exemplified through the new “game” invented by children playing at the park.

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