Mimarlık. 403 | September-October 2018
A Story Towards No-Constitution / Dinçer Demirkent
As stated by the author, for two years starting from July 20, 2016, the country lives in a state of emergency beyond the boundaries of the Constitution, or put in a more appropriate term, it lives under a de facto regime. This regime has been institutionalized through the executive orders from the Presidential Office and thus constitutional guarantees seem to be left behind.
After Mustafa Arslan Aslaner
The former owner of the
Mimarlık journal, and the former chair of the Chamber of Architects’ Ankara Branch, Mustafa Arslan Aslaner, with an id no 1479, passed away on July 1, 2018. Graduated from the State Academy of Fine Arts in 1960, Aslaner served in several committees within the Chamber of Architects for many years, and contributed to the architectural education as an instructor at Gazi University, METU, Işık University and Yeditepe University. Orhan Akyürek and Tezcan Karakuş Candan have written his obituaries.
For My Beloved Brother, Cevat Geray / Ruşen Keleş
The faculty member of Ankara University Faculty of Political Science, Cevat Geray, passed away on July 23, 2018. Graduated from the Ankara University Faculty of Political Science in 1953, Geray undertook various responsibilities in the Chamber of Architects and especially worked on city and urban planning, issues of urbanization; and protecting public interest in the works of local governments to ensure social progress. Ruşen Keleş has written his obituary.
Forever Young! Yılmaz Zenger / Mahmut Nüvit Doksatlı
Architect and artist, and one of the founding members and years long executive board member of the Building Information Center, Yılmaz Zenger, passed away on August 2, 2018. Graduated from Istanbul Technical University in 1958, he taught in several universities and institutions; worked in production design projects under his company Zenger Co., and realized and produced various industrial objects and forms designed by national and international designers. Mahmut Nüvit Doksatlı has written his obituary.
The Most Dangerous Way of Electricity Generation / Özgür Gürbüz
As Mersin Akkuyu and Sinop were mentioned earlier this year, official authorities have announced the third nuclear power plant to be built in Trakya. This topic was revealed before the election and has been reissued again in this August, so nuclear energy is still a priority in energy policies. The author challenges and disproves the well-known arguments about nuclear energy, and reveals reasons to argue against this policy.
43 Years Later: 2018 European Cultural Heritage Year / Ayşe Ceren Güler
The year 2018 was designated as the European Cultural Heritage Year in order to increase the economic and collective contribution of the rich cultural traditions of Europe and to promote culture as an important element of the international presence of the EU. In this context, you can follow various events organized in different geographies at
Illegal Buildings Amnesty Since 1948 / Binali Tercan
From the beginning of the Republican era to today, there have been amnesties and declarations on illegal buildings issued under different purposes and conditions. Summarizing these laws, the author provides a quick reviewof the changes made so far.
An Opportunity For Some, Yet A Threat For The City: The Zoning Peace / İkbal Erbaş
The “Zoning Peace” announced in May has caused controversy with its content and scope and is still being debated. The amnesty goes into effect on the grounds that it differs from its predecessors, but the author states that the practice is a major threat to the city.
25th IAPS Conference / Transitions to Sustainability, Lifestyles Changes and Human Wellbeing: Cultural, Environmental and Political Challenges / Şebnem Önal Hoşkara
As an attendee of the IAPS Conference in Rome, 8-13 July 2018, the author provides a brief review about the interdisciplinary environment of the conference and the ongoing discussions.
Mersin Metropolitan Municipality Architectural Ideas Competition to Design the Area in-between Mersin Tevfik Sırrı Gür Stadium and Mersin Çamlıbel Port
Mersin Metropolitan Municipality organized an architectural ideas competition to design an urban square / node around the stadium. In disuse today, this area was a gathering and meeting place in city's memory and is still preserving its symbolic significance. The aim was to contribute to the enrichment of the city's identity. In the free, national and single stage competition, 61 projects were evaluated, 5 equal honourable mentions and 3 purchase awards were given.
Çanakkale Municipality Bazaar, Life Center and Parking Lot Architectural Project Competition
To build an attraction center supporting socio-cultural and commercial activities for all different age groups, Çanakkale Municipality announced an architectural competition on the site of an existing business center and multi-storey parking structure that is insufficient for the changing and developing needs of the city. In the free, national and single stage competition, 121 projects were evaluated, 3 awards, 5 equal honourable mentions and 3 purchase awards were given.
The Embryo of an Urban Spine: The London Asphalt / Erdem Üngür
The idea of an automobile route from London to Asia attracted considerable attention in the 1930s. The Turkey portion of this project, today's Istanbul D-100 (E-5) highway was connected in 1973 with the Bosporus Bridge and nearby routes; and in 1974, to the Haliç Bridge. Hence, it became the main axis that has changed the urban macroform in post-Prost Istanbul. The author focuses on the first steps, the first embryo of this main “backbone”, the London Asphalt project, and tells the story of the project from 1930 to 1980.
Memory, Identity and Kitsch: Ankara Nowadays / Pınar Yurdadön Aslan
In July, we witnessed the postponement of the Ankapark deal for the fifth time as no company has applied for the project. The author describes these projects such as Ankapark, “clock towers” and “entrance doors” as city articulations and considers them as part of a “process of kitsch and décor production”. She points out that the city has turned into a hyperreal activity space by being exposed to a bombardment of floating images and signs. It even became an Ankara imitation with damaged socio-spatial image.
A Multitalented Republican Architect: Mualla Eyüboğlu Anhegger / Işıl Çokuğraş, Ceylan İrem Gençer
Graduated in 1942 from the State Academy of Fine Arts, Mualla Eyüboğlu Anhegger is one of Turkey's first female architects. As an important actor in the early Republican era working from village institute, she has made significant contributions to the documentation of cultural heritage and to the restoration of many historical monuments. Authors focus on this important figure to comment upon the representation of women architects in Turkey’s architectural historiography.
Museum, Reputation And A Bathtub: Stedelijk Museum / Selin Yıldız
From 1992 to 2012, the expansion of the Stedelijk Museum took a difficult process involving several architectural competitions, economic troubles and public intervention. This path resulted in the opening of the project designed by the Benthem Crouwel Architecture Office. “The bathtub”, the “new” addition of the “old” museum, started a debate about the connection of this addition and the way it was founded. The author focuses on the process of the project that creates further discussions by its highly ambitious external shells.
Capital Ankara / 3: For More Livable Urban Spaces / S. Güven Bilsel
The last part of the article series, which began in the May-June 2018 issue of the journal, focuses on what needs to be done in order for the city's original identity to reappear.
A City Platform in Berlin: The Limits of The Practice / Melis Özge Gayretli
Raumlabor, a Berlin-based architectural office, has designed a “floating university” in a rainwater basin to explore the possibilities of experiential education. Started on April 9th and planned to be continued at regular intervals until September 15th, 2018, the educational program works with interdisciplinary teams and questions environmental solutions in the areas of architecture, art and design
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