• Ildırı: Yerleşilemeyen Köy
    Ela Çil, Yrd. Doç. Dr., İYTE, Mimarlık Bölümü
    F. Nurşen Kul, Yrd. Doç. Dr., İYTE, Mimari Restorasyon Bölümü



Mimarlık 381. January-February 2015


Practical Utopias and Right to the City/ Cihan Uzunçarşılı Baysal

Gezi, being one of the most noteworthy resistances against the commodification of nature, city, labour and almost every aspect of daily life and against the neoliberal system that degrades people to consumers / consuming robots, has become a national and international phenomenon outgrew its boundaries. The author says that this movement has spread all over the country, as seen in the tents settled in Hevsel, in the resistance with Kıymet teyze, who has sat before the bulldozers in Edirne, and in Oruç Baba Park , Validebağ Woods and Yırca. While noting “no need for despair”, she reminds the memorable banner hanging on one of the trees in Gezi, calling for a challenge or even a commandment against neoliberal hegemony; “Stay away from my Neighbourhood, Square, Tree, Water, Seed, Forest, Village, City and Park!”

We will Resist Policies Defacing Professional Field and its Organisations/ Eyüp Muhcu

The propositions of 12 years AKP government aiming to realise “central/ authoritarian income policies” through urban transformation projects and looting of national territories were set as their politicalgoals. With this aim Ministry of Environment and Planning has announced an amendment of the Law No 13 with a “draft law”, which not only is inconsistent and full of contradictions and ambiguities, but also is legally incompetent.

Another Demolition Threat to Modern: Seyfi Arkan’s İller Bankası Building / N.Müge Cengizkan

One of the most important threats towards the our modern architecture is recently at stake: official registry of General Directorate building of İller Bankası, built by Seyfi Arkan, has been superseded secretly. The building is facing the risk of demolition. The author, while referring to the significance of the building, stresses the need to go through hostile processes as happened in similar cases.

FILE: City and Segregation:CITIES DIVIDED

Belfast: Anatomy of a ‘City Divided’ / Gizem Caner, Fulin Bölen

APJP and the Ethics of Israeli Architecture / Arif Şentek

Did Berlin Wall Really Fall? / Devrim Çimen

Cities can create a healthy built environment as long as they can unite their heterogeneous structures created by different communities, with homogeneous social patterns. When the inner peace cannot be achieved, segregation in cities starts manifesting itself in the physical spaces of the city. The file brings together articles discussing similar agendas and present evaluations on Belfast, capital of Northern Ireland; West Bank, where Israeli-Palestinian dilemma is most intensely felt and Berlin, which has attached various different meanings to the concept of the ‘divided city’. In the case of Belfast, Gizem Caner and Fulin Bölen, divide the city to different regions in the light of the decisions made by the citizens on issues which hardly attain consensus, like ethnicity, religion and culture. While declaring the reason behind the longstanding condition of division is seen as its social nature, the authors “in order to make the effect of division visible, evaluate the city as an open museum” and examine the transformation of the physical environment. The article written by Arif Şentek develops around the speech made in 2010 by Abe Hayeem, who is among the founders of the Architects and Planners for Justice in Palestine (APJP). The article instead of focusing on the wall started to be built in West Bank in 2002, discusses the responsibilities of architects, who prepared the physical conditions for the segregation in the city, thus draws attention to the social dimension of professional ethics. Berlin can be listed as the most ‘popular’ city among the divided cities. Twenty-five years has passed since the fall of Berlin Wall, which was a reason for feeding hopes for the fall of other walls built with similar objectives. Tracking the physical and intangible traces of Berlin Wall after the “reunification” of Berlin, Devrim Çimen questions if the image of the ‘Berlin Wall’ has really been wiped out from the urban memory, or whether there is a desire for its annihilation at all.


On the ‘Local Evolutions of Modernism in Turkish Architecture X’ / Neslihan Kulözü

The 10th of the events series organised under the theme ‘Local Evolutions of Modernism in Turkish Architecture’ organised by DOCOMOMO_TR Working Group, was held on 31 October to 2 November 2014 in Erzurum, in one of the significant modern architectural examples of Turkey, Atatürk University Campus. In the scope of the event, hosted by Atatürk University, Department of Architecture and Design, 117 posters from 26 different cities in Turkey, introducing modern architecture examples of buildings and settlements built between 1920s and 1970s, were exhibited, and 68 of these posters were presented. So, especially the undocumented examples of the 20thcentury Turkish architecture with specific emphasis to projects outside of Ankara, İstanbul and İzmir were put under light.

60 years with Architecture: Orhan Şahinler / Nesrin Dengiz, Hale Gönül

Prof. Orhan Şahinler worked in Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts for many years. Besides being a valuable retired faculty member with significant contributions to the field of education, he also had the opportunity to perform many significant architectural works in the professional field, with participations to numerous competitions achieving success both at national and international levels throughout his career. The exhibition, opened on the 4thNovember 2014, in Tophane-i Amire Tek Kubbe Hall, continued to be exhibited in MSGSU Mimar Sinan Hall between the dates 11 and 29 November 2014.


Shortcomings & Spares/ İhsan Bilgin

A Quantitative Overview of Architectural Education in Turkey / Eti Akyüz Levi, Nilay Çoşgun, Özlem Erdoğdu Erkarslan

The meeting organised every two years by the Turkish Architecture Schools Department Heads Communication Group (MOBBİG) aims the sharing of information between the architectural departments. Held by the Bilgi University, the 39th meeting took place on November 8, 2014 in İstanbul, with a selectedtheme; “Multitude”, which drew attention to the often discussed notions of quantity/quality in architectural education. In the opening speech, İhsan Bilgin, while putting emphasis on the increasing number of architectural departments, underlined the difficulty to ensure a certain level in architectural education, stating that creating holistic programme patterns to achieve common values is now much more difficult thus a very long-term plan. The other article on the meeting Eti Akyüz Levi, Nilay Coşkun and Özlem Erdoğdu Erkarslan while revealing the numbers and quota of architectural departments, proves the fact that architecture schools get open before confronting the necessary level of physical infrastructures and academic staff.


Municipality of Çanakkale Social Housing District Urban Transformation Competition

Municipality of Çanakkale Social Housing District Urban Transformation Competition was opened as a single stage national competition aiming for the development of Çanakkale’s spatial, cultural, aesthetic and natural values. The competition also sought for projects that provide original and characteristic spaces allowing functional, sustainable, innovative and economic solutions while integrating the competition area with the city and its existing values. The projects were expected to come up with design ideas that aimed at the “transformation of urban space” and the propositions for guiding this process. The competition was aimed to discipline and direct the process, which is based on the idea that the city will witness a rapid transformation due to pressures from the changes that can be observed throughout the city acting on various scales such as residential, commercial and cultural areas, through design and planning. Among 37 projects evaluated in the competition, 3 awards, 3 mention and 4 purchase awards were distributed.


The Value of “Assist” in Architecture / Güven Birkan

We can read the projects of buildings from outside, yet in order to learn their stories we need an inner eye. The author, who took part in the design phase of OYAK Housing in Çankaya, designed by Özgür Ecevit and started construction in 1980s, draws attention to the key role of supporting people and “assists” just before the last touch of the architect on the project in achieving a successful building. In doing that he also provides different sections from the process of realisation.


Accessible Architecture / Evren Burak Enginöz

“Accessibility” is a concept often defined only through people with disabilities, and regarded as a burden task to be realised in the design phase. However when cities are designed to meet everyone’s needs rather than only disabled, there is a chance for an accessible society and only then the concept of ‘accessibility’ can be an integral part of the design phase. “Someone with any kind of disability is not regarded as disabled in an accessible space. Yet any person will become disabled in an inaccessible place”.


Socio-Cultural Values of Dead-end Streets of Antakya’s Historic Urban Fabric and the Problems of Preservation / Mert Nezih Rifaioğlu

Urban planning inputs are defined through social relations, values and cultural parameters; at times the city is developed instinctively. The author, who evaluates on the very characteristic dead-end streets in the street network of Antakya, where we can witness a multicultural identity and trace different usages, defines the spatial and cultural values created by dead-end streets in the historical setting and mentions the problems in the preservation of these values.


The Capital of Allied Civilizations İznik-Nikaia / Mustafa Şahin

İznik, one of the unique districts of Bursa, has housed various different civilisations, starting from Bithynia Kingdom and continued through Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman periods to today, following its reestablishment as Nikaia in Hellenistic period. Even though in İznik not much work reached to the present day from the times of Seljuks, there are many preserved structures from the Ottoman period. Also in 2014, the basilica, discovered by a team, which the author is part of, on the shores of İznik Lake, was named as one of the 10 most important discoveries of 2014 throughout the world, by the Archaeological Society magazine published in America.


Use of Colour in Pre-School Education Buildings / B. Ece Şahin, Neslihan Dostoğlu

Determination of colours to be used in the education buildings, is an issue, often disregarded as a design problem and left to the decision of the school’s principal or if more fortunate of the architect’s appreciation. The author, while focusing on the effects of pre-school education buildings on the development of children, comments on the colours used in interior spaces.


Evaluation of Research on Children and Architecture in Turkey in the Light of Literature Reviews/ Burcu Gülay Taşçı, Hikmet Gökmen

Maybe the studies conducted to increase awareness towards architecture and built environment in children, are the most important tools allowing us to understand architecture through the eyes of children, thus providing new perspectives. The authors referring to projects carried out in our country or by the Chamber of Architects, point out that these studies help increasing the dialogue between the society and architecture.


Ildırı: Unsettled Village/ Ela Çil, F. Nurşen Kul

Can a settlement be understood through oral history? The authors convey the lesser-known history of Ildırı village, which has remained inside Erythrai ruins witnessing constant migration, through the memories of local people, supported by written sources. Ildırı, like many of its neighbouring settlements faces the threat of losing its historical and cultural assets due to tourism flow, is once again very close to another scene of migration in its history.


Two Different Urban Enclaves in Athens City Centre: Anafiotika and Eleonas Regions/ Bilge Ulusay Alpay, Pelin Gökgür

The concept of ‘enclave’ can be defined as a territorial unit or an area, with distinct features different from its surroundings and used in the sense of an urban closure. The authors who have studied the two different regions of Athens, Anafiotika and Eleonas, they define as enclave and discuss the ways to integrate them socio-culturally, politically, geographically and physically to the city.


Beautifying the City or Reviving the City? Robson Redux Competition and Urban Reef / Hilal Tuğba Örmecioğlu

Lately in many large and small cities of Turkey, there is an effort to catalyse dynamism by the use of streets by the citizens to develop commercial and cultural life of the city. However such projects of good intentions often end up with large budget permanent operations under the name of “beautification of streets/avenues” as result of non-participatory decision-making processes. VIVA Vancouver programme, established with similar aims but with completely different methods, draws attention with its participatory and temporal approaches, putting emphasis on ‘revitalisation’ rather than ‘beautification’.


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