• Başkentte Organize Kent Suçu
    Nihal Evirgen, ODTÜ Mimarlık Bölümü Doktora Öğrencisi, Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi Yönetim Kurulu Sekreteri



Mimarlık. 428 | November-December 2022


Blowing Into Disasters of Calamities / Ali Tolga Özden

The zoning amnesty was evoked for the ninth time, which is tragically entangled with natural disasters through uncontrolled urbanization. The author highlights “the detrimental consequences of the system, which guarantees the citizens’ rights for sheltering and avoiding disasters, by generating disasters due to the malevolent interpretation of sheltering rights”.


  • The Final Point of Changing Definitions for Decades: What is Museum? / Burçak Madran

After the judgment of redefining the term museum in December 2018 by the board of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), the reconsideration of the term became a topic of dispute. The negotiation of redefining “museum” was concluded at the 26th ICOM General Conference in Prague, in August 2022. The author evaluates the internationally acknowledged new definition of museums from the past to the present day.

  • Organised Urban Crimes in the Capital City / Nihal Evirgen

Turkey is leading in the mortality rates due to occupational accidents. On August 15, 2022, an occupational “murder” caused the death of two civic engineering students and the severe injury of an architecture student. The author highlights the “organized” contemporary urban interventions within the site of construction since the destruction of the EGO sheds.

  • The Crisis of Rental Estate and What It Indicates / Zuhal Ulusoy

Son bir yıldır kiralık konut piyasasında yaşanan, neredeyse tüm kiracıları ve ev sahiplerini kapsayacak kadar yaygınlaşan kargaşa günden güne derinleşiyor.

The crisis of the rental estate market has deepened in the last year, impacting the entire tenets and landlords. The author evaluates these processes through her own experiences and observations, highlighting that the estate markets can lead to demographic transformations in the long run.


  • After 2022 European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE) Conference / Neslihan Dostoğlu

The members of the EAAE (European Association for Architectural Education) gathered in Madrid, Spain in August 31-September 4 2022. ETSAM’ın (Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid) hosted the event with the theme “Towards a New European Bauhaus: Challenges in Design Education & Research”.

  • New Quests for Designing Space: 28th ISUF International Conference of Urban Morphology / Tolga Ünlü

The final conference of ISUF (International Seminar on Urban Form), which aims at uniting the researchers of urban morphology and the professionals of construction, was conducted on 6th-11th September in Poland. The author evaluates the yearly conference series, and highlights the significance of the venues which congregate specialists from various disciplines for the decision-making processes for the upper-scale urban realm.

  • The 17th International Docomomo Conference / Yıldız Salman

The 17th International Docomomo Conference was conducted in Spain- València, hosted by Universitat Politècnica de València Architecture School on September 6-9, 2022. The author highlights the outstanding topics of the conference, themed “Modern Design: Social Commitment and Quality of Life”.


Open Call for Leman Tomsu Studies and Archive!

Within the 2022-2024 Commemoration Program of the Chamber of Architects, we aim to bring forward Leman Tomsu through various events and a documentation process through publication. We announce the open call to our colleagues for their unique contribution to the program and for sharing the archival documents.


Architecture and Landscape: Cross-Sections and Pledges of Education / Funda Baş Bütüner, Gizem Deniz Güneri Söğüt

The global environmental crises weaken professional autonomies. Hence, scrutinizing the relationship between the landscape and architecture opens up new horizons for ameliorating the built environment through new morphologic and design approaches. The authors allege the enrichment of the architectural grounds, in terms of theory and practice, through an architectural culture internalizing the conception of landscape. Due to the difficulty of internalizing such a relationship in professional life, embarking through education is essential.


A Silent Dialogue Venue: Austria Altach Muslim Graveyard / Gökhan Mura

Designed by Bernardo Bader and honored with Aga Khan Award, the Austria Altach Muslim Graveyard was open to public use in 2012 to serve as a symbolic interface between diverse populations. The author highlights that the graveyard “invites into a multicultural dialogue through the framework of belonging and the assurance for the ones who wish to pursue their future lives in their motherland.


Silent Witnesses of Çanakkale War: The Cultural Heritage of Battlegrounds / Mustafa Önge

The battlegrounds of the Çanakkale Wars accommodates intense scale and quality of cultural heritage. However, the influence of the battleground on the cultural heritage within the battleground remains understudied. The author highlights the damage to significant settlements and buildings despite the boundaries of international law.


Tectonics of Remembering: The Grave Designs of Cengiz Bektaş / Işıl Uçman Altınışık, Burak Altınışık

Cengiz Bektaş is an influential figure considering his architectural projects and other work which should be evaluated in terms of collective memory. The authors explore the grave designs of Cengiz Bektaş, and highlight “the unique architectonics of spaces of remembering to a particular morphological narrative and manifestation.”


The Decay of Adobe Neighborhoods in Karaman / Zeynep Eres

In this chapter of Cultural Heritage in Danger, a section initiated in our 405th issue, we will discuss the adobe neighborhoods in Karaman with Zeynep Eres’s narration.


Platonic Love for Space: On New York/ Ceren Boğaç

Boğaç portrays the platonic dimensions of the love for space, through the panoramic cartographic narrations of the urban experience of New York in three seasons whose half-time coincided with the global COVID-19 pandemic. The author narrates the body-space relations, the struggles of capital and classes, Manhattan-Brooklyn axe, heterarchic patterns of the time of crisis, and the #BlackLivesMatter protest through a sincere narration.


  • Tracing the Rural Modern Through Two Village Institutes: Mualla Eyüboğlu Anhegger’s Pulur and Ortaklar Campuses/ Ayşe Deniz Yeşiltepe, Figen Kıvılcım Çorakbaş

Established by Hasan Ali Yücel and İsmail Hakkı Tonguç, the village institutes were institutions aiming to raise teachers for villages, which embarked on “for work, within work, with work” approach through “learning by practicing”. Nationwide there were approximately twenty-one village institutes, aimed to provide a unique education in rural areas fulfilling Turkey’s modernization agenda. The campuses of village institutes were designed through national architectural competitions and leading architectural figures. The authors provide a comparative evaluation of the spatial features of two campuses, Erzurum Pulur and Aydın Ortaklar, which were situated in distant corners of Anatolia.

  • Competition Won by Paul Bonatz, Not the Contestants: The Turkish Republic Central Bank Samsun Branch / Hasan Tahsin Selçuk

The Turkish Republic Central Bank Samsun Branch is constructed by relying on an architectural competition in 1939, which was designed in 1948 by Paul Bonatz, and constructed by Ahmet Sabri Oran. The author highlights the conflict/ contestation of the state advocating for anonymous architectural services and encouraging self-employed architects to take initiative.


 “Wave” in Leftover Spaces / Gizem Cebeci

The urban collective Sitio Eriazo conducted a spatial experimentation, aiming to preserve the derelict urban zones in Chile- Valparaiso through solidarity practices which are harmonious with the urban dynamics. The semi-circular theatre performance space is a reinterpretation of classical theatre architecture, generating a waveform through seats that are situated on various levels.

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